I know, but you're not the first person to respond as such, so I'm just attempting to head it off at the pass. My original comment was supposed to be a similar critique of the video, and it wasn't coming off as such, so I figured I should edit it.
I know, but you're not the first person to respond as such, so I'm just attempting to head it off at the pass. My original comment was supposed to be a similar critique of the video, and it wasn't coming off as such, so I figured I should edit it.
Again, the charge is a misdemeanor. That's like calling traffic court a "trial".
Okay, obviously i'm going to have to add something to the comment because people can't understand that all I'm offering what the video claims.
Yeah, again, the video leaves much to be desired.
You've been talking to my wife.
Near as I can tell, he's arguing that the House isn't going to seat him in the first place. Aside from being contradicted by a number of House Republicans who have said he's going to be a welcome addition (paraphrased), that's ridiculous on the face of it. I'm not sure if there's even a mechanism for that in place.
I know you're talking about the White House.
Have no problem with what? The legal election of a terrible human being (yep, that applies to either of my examples)?
I mean, I suppose, but its always been much more pronounced in the South. Reading some of the justifications of slavery from the 1840s-50s is enough to give one a migraine.
No argument there, but its not anything that was ever really addressed in a meaningful way.
You literally cannot avoid picking and choosing. It contradicts itself in multiple ways, even beyond the basic opposition of the New Testament teaching vs the Old Testament teaching.
They're already IN office.
I understand exactly what you're saying, but that doesn't mean I accept it. I don't condone those comments either.
Once again showing that conservatives have absolute no idea how government actually works.
I think the intent and surrounding circumstances are what would push it over the line here. The fact that the reporter was, by all accounts (other then Gianforte's initial one) in no way aggressive is what makes this into a flagrant attack, at least in my non-legal mind.
Still a bit of a stretch. It's really just saying that it'll only work if God wants it to. The concept of modern abortion is probably so far removed from what was conceivable to people thousands of years ago its almost pointless to even look to the Bible directly at all for guidance on it. Its all going to depend…
Yep. All that "love thy neighbor", "turn the other cheek" crap really gets in the way of righteous vengeance.
Any money you want, he gets seated. Dead serious.
Misdemeanor. Nice of the Sheriff (a campaign donor, wouldn't you know) to not charge him with a felony.
No, he's going to be a Congressman. That's what getting elected means.