
Man, that's a tough call, but I think I'd still rather watch TPM. At least it has the Darth Maul duel going for it. I can't think of anything nearly that exciting about Prometheus, which basically just has pretty cinematography and production design supporting the dumbest script and characters imaginable.

No, it's what a 2 to 1 ratio of shitty movies to good ones is like.

At the level of major studio pictures, shooting more takes was never a materials cost concern (excepting the occasional Apocalypse Now.) Its always a time issue— every time you shoot another take, that's time away from a different size, angle, or scene.

There hasn't been a unequivocally good Alien movie in over 30 years. Think about that.


Nah, Trump dying won't make him a martyr. Him getting impeached ("its all a setup, man!") would do that far better.

I only take issue with the firing of Comey as an attempt to stop the investigation. That's the logical leap most people are making.

I'm concerned about the willingness of some lefties to dive into Pizzagate territory because Trump gets under their skin so easily.

You're also assuming that the film exploits them, sight unseen. Katie goes to great lengths to explain that the film is not exploitative (at least as much a a film can avoid such).

Hargitay has a sweet gig where she works exactly as much as she wants and gets paid a ton for it. That show goes on as long as she wants it to and not a minute longer.

Well, that's a debatable thesis right now, considering that not only the investigatory agency* but the prosecuting body and literal court that would try said prosecution are in the control of a party with vested interest in covering up any crime they would have to prosecute.

It can definitely be two things.

Trump said something to the effect of "The American people need to have confidence in the director of the FBI".

I've had a number of moments the last four or five months where I'm wondering what mirror I walked through, because I find myself saying "Lindsey Fucking Graham is our best hope right now?"

Trump, at the very least, does not. He seems constantly surprised that doing stupid/asshole-ish things are discussed as if they are a) stupid or b) asshole-ish.

Someone just came back from GotG vol 2.

Thanks for the rec, I will!

I watch a lot of horror movies, and I'm noticing that more and more of them are staying close to 90 minutes. I've even seen a few clocking in at considerably less. Surprising even to me, I can't say I have any trouble with it.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good conflicted villain (Vader in Jedi for example), but Sleeping Beauty is literally a fairy tale. There's no need for that. Maleficent's petty, vindictive, and scary as fuck. Got it.

There's gotta be a way around it, because I've seen plenty of trolls repeating the same inane Breitbart copy-and-paste posts over and over.