
I think the Daniel Craig reboot films have pretty well sealed the original "continuity" (which was pretty damn loose to begin with) away.

Alright, but only because you asked.

Take a look over at the Ann Coulter newswire from last week or anything that mentions Bill Maher for the last two months or so, and there's the answer to your first paragraph.

Well I'm sure this is the best platform to get Mather's attention. :-)

You realize you don't have to address me in every comment right? All replies go to my email either way.


There's also the matter of an awful lot of people with vested interest in keeping the Congressional machine running.

You have to keep in mind that it doesn't really matter what state you're in, for the most part there's very little difference between rural north and rural south, other than (possibly) accent.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even run for a second term. Its totally within his MO to make a huge fucking mess of everything, call it a victory, and move on.

True enough, but it also means they're the demographic that has to be appealed to (without losing the rest of the voters in the process) in order to win the next presidential election.

My concern is an even deeper erosion of trust in the office. Which is pretty goddamn low to begin with. Trump is like the final nail in the coffin Nixon started building.

I just made a more in-depth reply to the OP, but it's literally the definition of cherry picking.

I'm really, REALLY growing to hate those pieces. They are the literal definition of cherry picking, and not just on the pro-Trump side. The ones where they do interviews in PA with people regretting their vote are just as stupid.

I'm really not trying to make it into a gotcha thing- sorry if that's how it came across.

In everything but SotL, maybe. He's perfect in this film. Just as Mads is perfect in the TV show.

But of course, are those the movies that Coppola or Besson wanted to make? I'm not saying they are one way or another, just pointing out that so far, you're arguing more about the movies you think they SHOULD have been rather than what they simply are.

So there HASN'T been actual, violent protest demonstrations at Berkeley? That's something I made up? You want to make a distinction between being literally barred from speaking and being told "we can't keep you safe" because violent people are likely to show up, that's your right. And it's my right to call you on

Well really that's just being indecisive. :-)

"You're advocating that every crackpot deserves to have their moment at a specific podium"

Agreed. The movie that was released in theaters is the film. Everything else is a curiosity.