
But can you play Duck Hunt on it?

I've been tempted to pick one of those up. Are the sticks like that of the NGPC?

I don't know where he got his but my local optician sells them, if I remember correctly.

I just wish they did prisms. Still, a good way to buy cheap frames and take them to a local optician.

Actually, geeky glasses go back even further to the teens when Harold Lloyd created his "Glasses Boy" character. Although he had 20/20 at the time he wore glasses without lenses first in the 1917 short Over the Fence (reports differ as to how he selected the glasses as both Lloyd and producer Hal Roach claimed credit

My workplace provides free coffee and has professional type coffee machines (at least the kind you see in restaurants and diners.) While half the company takes advantage of it there are a growing number of Keurig machines popping up in various departments with people having their own stash of K-cups.

Honestly, I think you'd be much better with a wired controller like this one: [] or this [] or a wired XBox 360 controller.

If you aren't a gamer, then you don't need to look too closely at video cards, considering any semi-modern PC can handle everything else you'll throw at it, including HD video.

I do know they are high carbon but quite frankly they've served me well. I cut through chicken bones with mine (I know I shouldn't) and even a Shun won't take that without needing resharpening. Note to self: get a good pair of shears.

Too many F's. My bad. Still, for paying $4K+ less than me, he got a great deal!

My friend bought a Lincoln Zephyr for a really low price a few years back. In some ways he got a much better deal on his two year old "luxury" Ford Focus than I did on my brand new Elantra.

In his defense he had the knife for 20 years and still had a great blade on it. 20 years is a good length of time to have something and cheers to him for making it last even longer. Waste not, want not.

I *mostly* agree with you. Personally, I believe you can get by with some cheaper knives. Cooks Illustrated and others very much recommend Victorinox knives. Their 8" Chef's knife can be had for less than $30 if you get the plastic handle. Sure if I was rich (or a professional) I'd buy Shun or other super expensive

Newegg has (had?) Deathsmiles for $9.99. No excuse to not own it at that price.

I spent so many quarters on that game in the Wilton Mall. Now I want to play it again.

I have a 6 year old 30GB iPod Video and I left on the plastic that it came with and put it in a $6 case I got on sale at Worst Buy. The screen still looks like new. The back is a little scratched but hey, I have a 6 year old iPod that still runs well.

Psst, don't use logic on these people. It won't work. They someone think that they are being screwed because they didn't get everything they wanted in life.

I appreciate your proper form of voilá! And yes, it's usually cheaper to pick up the cheap stuff. Most times it's just fine.

Living in New England you learn that EVERYTHING hates you in winter.

The other con to diesel is if you live in New England and it's -20F out and your fuel turned to gel. Of course there are additives for that but it's another thing for the consumer to take care of and some just don't want to bother.