
The Super Mario Brothers Super Show was NOT awful. It was fun and silly and was perfect for kids in the late 80s when it debuted. Also, the live action segments while not exactly canonical were humorous and had some great guest stars like Roddy Piper, Sgt Slaughter, the girl who played Winnie on the Wonder Years and

I'd say it's more because his mission has been to destroy the US and he's been doing just what he intended to do.

If that fails, get a big breasted woman to plead your case for you.

One of the best propaganda films ever! Not only is it hilarious but it gets its point across quite well.

What is perhaps the coolest thing you use regularly?

Anyone in TV who claims they aren't making something to sell ad space is lying. Even PBS is selling ads, they just call them underwriters.

Great point! Sadly many contractors will not have the original (it might be under the floor mats of their car) and are a bit suspicious of computers still.

Have a moleskine or other such notebook. It can be a composition notebook, Field notes, a spiral bound notebook, leather journal whatever! What it does it it takes all your little notes and keeps them in one place. I used to deal with index cards or pieces of paper from a legal pad and dear God how my desk would get

That is possible what with the deductions on mortgage interest rates from taxes thrown into the mix but not always likely. Unfortunately most don't ever run the numbers and we live in a world where people only care what the payments are. That's how 3 year car loans became 4 and then 6 year loans (or worse, leases!)

No, it's realistic. Look to the last few years and see all the people who bought houses and could not afford them. Now they are upside down and under water. Many have lost their homes due to foreclosure. If you can't afford a 15 (MAYbe a 20 year assuming you are disciplined enough to accelerate payments) then continue

They are there to pay more interest and keep you in debt twice as long.

See, I always thought the Genesis was hideous. To each their own.

One way to improve that interest rate is to not get a 30 year mortgage. Seriously, if anyone suggests you get a 30 year mortgage they are out of their mind. If you can't make the payments on a 15 year, you don't deserve the loan.

I'm allergic to some and not others. What I'm really allergic to is whatever scents and dyes they put in the damn stuff. I have to get the dye and scent-free detergents or my back will look like a teenager's face.

In my pockets are:

That's where I heard it before! I always wanted to try FN since Moleskines suck with my fountain pens but no store around me has them.

I forget where I read this but I remember reading "I'm not writing this down to remember later. I'm writing it to remember now." I have used this line countless times and there's a lot of truth to it. It's nice to get it all sorted out on paper.

I'm going to disagree on the metal polish one, especially for silver. But then, I worked in the silver flatware business so we perhaps needed a better level than most people.

When gasoline hit $4 a gallon I started carpooling with a guy on a slightly different schedule. Because I was "being green" or some shit, the company was all for it and changed my schedule to get out earlier. It was awesome!

They keep me late; they pay me overtime. To be fair I've got a lot more OT this year than in previous years but I can think of only one time where I was there until almost midnight and still came in on time the next day.