@HitBit: Well I would've said one based on the image above but then I clicked through and realized that the angle was deceiving and she really wasn't as stacked as I thought.
@HitBit: Well I would've said one based on the image above but then I clicked through and realized that the angle was deceiving and she really wasn't as stacked as I thought.
@TrainerRed: I really don't care what someone else says. It doesn't change facts. Besides, oldmeme is old.
@VincentVendetta: First Paul Anka and now this kid? Jeez, you guys are treading on thin ice. Why, if you didn't have Gordon Lightfoot and Our Lady Peace you'd be in real trouble.
@Brythefry: Six, actually. Then he took a day off. I like how even God knows when to take a break. :-)
@TrainerRed: It wasn't funny years ago and it's still not funny now. Besides, he's a far better man than the clown we have in office now.
I blame Michelle Obama for fat kids. See, she's so damn annoying that parents drink themselves silly and then the kids have to eat TV dinners and junk food for dinner.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: And you're surprised by that?
I feel bad for the poor dope who just needed to go to the store for a new cable or something.
@urfe: I actually never took off the protective film that shipped on my iPod. I bought it in 2006 and it's still clean.
@The Squid: In many ways they've gone down (factoring in inflation.)
Hopefully it's not too much of a strain on him (I know Angry birds can be darn frustrating) and I wish him a speedy and healthy recovery.
@Kobun: Sonic fans never cease to horrify me ...
@seedypete: Corporate personhood is settled law. I'm sorry you don't like that but as I stated before, lobby your congressman and senators for an amendment.
@seedypete: No, legally that's how a corporation exists. Just because you don't like it does not mean that it's a typo or something that doesn't exist per the law and Constitution. If you don't like it - get a Constitutional Amendment.
Shop contest?
@5h17h34d: I still use a film camera elusively. They certainly haven't gone the way of the buggy whip yet for artists and amateurs alike. Sure the consumer market is all digital these days but a lot of us still use traditional methods.
My first boss had a method for cleaning and organizing. I call it the [his name] rotating pile method of cleaning. Basically he and I would totally clean an area out and pile up all the items that didn't belong there in a clean area. After that room was clean we'd tackle the pile and if anything didn't belong in that…
@jjleonard: Try an RTF instead of a txt file. Lotus Symphony and Wordpad had no problems with the output of that.
@cicadymn: You mean, you'd expect them to live like the peasant class whose money they take daily yet despise and abhor?