The BattleTurkey

I imagine that’s a downside of the “free love” era which conflated intimacy with sex, whereas most of history before that had clearly demarcated the two. Of course, it doesn’t help that the current culture has oversexualized pretty much anything that can be. (Normally I just shrug and ignore, but when you start

Oh, I’m making out like a bandit. But when they pull shit like 3 banners in a row with exclusive units? Yeah, you can’t do that on a limited supply of orbs. And that in of itself wouldn’t be a problem if the new units weren’t redefining the meta, meaning your old meta is now essentially useless. Stuff like the

Support as in patches and updates and new gamemodes. I think it’s pretty obvious that someone in charge of that game browses the FireEmblemHeroes subreddit, because I doubt stuff like weapon refinery would have come about otherwise. And certain... characters. Myrrh, obviously a fan favorite, but Oliver and Dorcas were

Came here to say this. Damn good game, honestly. It has its flaws (notable powercreep and a slow aversion to its F2P players) but it’s been open and willing to act on criticisms from fans. The continued support is terrific. It’s not even remotely the same game it was on launch, and that was only a year ago (tomorrow,

Came here to say this. Damn good game, honestly. It has its flaws (notable powercreep and a slow aversion to its F2P players) but it’s been open and willing to act on criticisms from fans. The continued support is terrific. It’s not even remotely the same game it was on launch, and that was only a year ago (tomorrow,

Glad to hear you’re reading the books. :) I know a bunch of us lament the time when io9 did book reviews of actual sci-fi, when Charlie Jane and Annalee were still around. Maybe you could do something similar for the books? With the Netflix series in pre-pre-production it’s the best time ever to get a fanbase excited

This game might not be for you lol

No, I actually do think Ardyn is important. But his monologue in chapter 10 (that I had to look up because of the bloody sound balancing) tells you the essentials. Everything after that, yeah, I guess I would call that window dressing. Again, I totally got the anti-hero role, that Ardyn was guiding Noctis to not only

You misunderstood me.

Squeenix was in a really tough situation, nobody can deny that.

I played the game at launch and I understood everything just fine. You have valid complaints, and I wouldn’t mind seeing them addressed either, but there was only one thing I ever had to look up in the story. (It was the end of Chapter 10 I believe, where Ardyn’s voice is so overpowered by Noctis moaning like a porn

$50, I believe. For the Royal Edition including base game, season pass, and royal pack. That’s honestly a helluva deal if you never got the game in the first place.

I’m wrapping my head around the pricing but here’s what I’ve come up with.

Good dad. Evil kid. Man, they really know how to get at your heartstrings, huh. Is there a dad of the year award? I know it might be a little bit early, but I’d slip you in as a nomination.

The English translation of The Last Wish is abysmal. All over, there are pacing issues, and the sentence structure is just incredibly jarring. Sword of Destiny (despite being translated by the same fella) I found much more flowing. And the Saga is simply incredible. Stick with it! As a huge fan of fantasy, I firmly

No. Klausaidon already explained why, well. I will add, though, that it’s not difficult at all to do what the mod maker guy did. It is difficult to do on the scale that he did, and it’s probably nice to have a consistent and balanced thing to refer back to, should one wish to use this for a number of years. But I’ve

Yeah, I just feel insulted with the constant spew of tutorials and hand-holding that games think kids need. Kids are fucking geniuses, man. We didn’t need all that shit for games that were leaps and bounds more complex, and that was even before wikis, Let’s Play’s, and internet forums could be taken for granted.

Oh, shoot. I think I’d better go download it, then.

They had a LOT of buttons. Compared to action games (which typically have a ‘light’ attack and a ‘heavy’ attack), there’s a lot of complexity in all the systems you have to manage. Balancing power between shields and weapons. Actually engaging your various weapons. Watching/interpreting your radar while moving

Yup. That’s what I said. Nobody else is allowed to have an opinion.