BUT IT WAS SO GOOD. Yeah, you’re right it is a trope.... but..... sigh.
BUT IT WAS SO GOOD. Yeah, you’re right it is a trope.... but..... sigh.
Wow yeah your FOV feels... off.
You make a good point. Ignore the dark side trolls.
I couldn’t agree more. This looks awesome.
Haha that’s actually really good to know. It’s just that image you get in your head, ya know?
We should think more about Bob Saget?
Completely agreed. I hope the truth is found in this and that justice is served.
Me: “This had better not be another article about the Kardashians...”
It certainly is a stereotype. I used the ‘he’ only because it’s my default (am boy) but that’s definitely a stereotype that is easy to fall into. I certainly assume that most judges are old, white men.
My mistake - I was referring to the judge, I just forgot her gender from the article. Edited accordingly.
I’m a survivor of sexual abuse as a child and I’m thankful that my parents didn’t take the knee jerk reactions that Kesha and her lawyers seem to be taking. It does nothing but hurt the victims in the long run.
Okay, I think that’s completely fair. It does make him sound like he doesn’t give two craps about her trauma. Being non-partisan is an unfortunate part of the job.
It’s just.... rape? A man murdering a woman isn’t a murder related hate crime, it’s just fucking murder. And it’s atrocious and horrible and should be prosecuted to the highest degree. I have no idea where hate crimes came into the picture, but it’s a strange direction to go in my opinion. <— me, having no legal…
Dammit I kinda want this now.
Meat. The answer here is meat.
It’s an acquired taste. I put probably 10 hours in Bloodborne, didn’t beat the second boss. Put it down and am planning to pick it up over summer. I’d recommend giving it some space and trying again, with a guide because those are life.
Ohmygosh stop. That’s me. Please, it hurts.
We’re on jezebel.com
Christian here - I have nitpicky issues with what you said (it is the internet after all) but they’re not worth the misunderstanding. I just wanted to say that I totally agree with what you’re saying here, for what little it’s worth.