
Okay, that makes sense - but I know at least four people who aren’t backing because of it. In spite of my complaining I actually signed up and backed, because I want to see it get made, but I understand where they’re coming from.

Battletankbob has the right of it. This is just something they whipped up in a few months (!) to show people what type of game style they were aiming for.

On the other hand, the developers have replied to people on Polygon, so they do read the comments. I’m sure this feedback will be useful to them :)

I’ve climbed or jumped off of walls TWICE this evening instead of fultoning someone. *sighs*

Yeah. I just like the controls better. I’m kinda super specific in my controls (which makes me predictable in games like Dark Souls/Bloodborne, sadly), so the “Auto-snap” walls and stuff doesn’t bother me as much. I personally just like not having to press Triangle anymore other than to climb stuff. Heck, a random guy

You know, by the time I got Metal Gear Solid 4 (and a Ps3, for that matter), MGO2 was already dead.

Yeah, how many patches was it until MGO 2 was great?

Yeah, MGO3 plays nothing like MGO 2. MGO2 stealth element felt like actual stealth. Running around would have been the same as waving a death flag. Also hiding in boxes had more of a purpose. Hiding in boxes for MGO3 feels pointless.

Now playing

Connie is just a human, no powers at least so far, but Pearl has been giving her fencing lessons & Steven is going to give her Rose Quartz’s sword to practice: