
Doesn’t it already have two currencies? The lootbox gold and the competitive purple whatevers you use for gold weapons? Does that count?

yeah, i just never took the time to remap them. whenever i would even think about remapping it’d be during games and by the time i was done playing that was the last thing on my mind. a vicious cycle. the last time i played i finally remapped lucio’s stuff to make wall riding easier! forgot to tackle doomfist, though.

yeah! i came to same conclusions elsewhere in the comments. doomfist’s toolset just isn’t... everything he can do genji can do better in a similar way cause of his better mobility. like genji’s dash is a good tool for getting in and attacking quick or for fleeing, but doomfist’s dash is only good for getting you into

Were you meaning to reply to me? Cause those are all points I agree with and was basically saying: Genji’s better than Doomfist.

Oh, yeah, Reinhardt’s utility as a tank is definitely way different, but I mean more practically his playstyle or moveset. For pure attacking Reinhardt’s a closeup fighter with a shield instead of a gun/shuriken/knuckle bullets. His health and speed is also geared toward balancing his tank utility. Which that utility

I agree, genji’s mobility is much better and his deflect is good. Though play styles and design are similar enough that genji shows it can work. Doomfist is like a less versatile version of genji. When you have genji who can arguably do the same but better and more, why pick doomfist?

I dunno, aren’t doomfist and genji a lot alike? they’re both melee characters with little projectiles being their main weapon. or, well, maybe that’s the problem. genji and doomfist a too similar and genji’s mobility makes him a better option? or just his presence is well established and someone who would play a genji

i love the idea of doomfist, but i didn’t dig how he played. like his projectile is with his left hand, but you press one of the R buttons to use it, and his big doom gauntlet is on his right hand, but most of the attacks are mapped to the left buttons, and it all just really messed with me. i didn’t play long enough


i’ve never really watched esports. i’ve seen some clips here and there but never really got drawn in. even previous overwatch exhibitions. but for some reason this world cup drew me in and i ended up watching a few hours of matches this past weekend before i realized it.

her kit seems like a mix of existing heroes with some twists. A teleport thing like Reaper, but seems to function more like Tracer’s blink. She has a Symmetra/Mercy lock-on beam for attack, orbs like a mix of Zenyatta and Symmetra but doesn’t lock on like Zenyatta’s and bounces off walls unlike Symmetra’s. Then her

I thought Battleborn wasn’t updating anymore

Bet D.Va will have some fun voice lines.

Oh dang, that is super cool!

Very possible! Symmetra is described as a mage type character, a “technomancer”, in the artbook that released recently. Literally stating it was their take on a mage class in a futuristic setting. Moira being a witch or sorcerer type in that same vein is highly likely, imo.

I didn’t really catch the mystical/witch angle, but I can certainly see it. I initially got mad scientist vibes.

when’s overlord season 2?

It’s a secret collectible from the new DOOM game.