
i’d love to see it too, but i don’t know if it’d happen. one thing with overwatch’s design is each character has a striking silhouette that you can recognize from a distance. for recognizability in marketing and for gameplay purposes. the skin would have to not change that silhouette too drastically. I mean, they

see, i’d figure it was a practical design. probably something to aid in the manufacturing process. like fitting into machine molds or something. like with the yoshi one from the other week, i wish these interviews would elaborate on these questions.

The first one, “dragon power”, on nes that I rented from the local piggly wiggly when i was like 5 years old is the best dragon ball game i’ve ever played. back then every game was an amazing mysterious adventure and i have fond memories discovering and trying to unravel that world over that one weekend. of course I

Oh, I meant the better quality picture would be a selling point for me personally. Sharing it with your kids would definitely be a big draw for sure!
And not even a large screen, but just an hd tv. If you’ve never tried playing an old non-hdmi console on a modern tv, well, I’ll tell ya it’s not pretty. The pixels are

Then how about just this part:

The biggest draw would be to play those games with an hdtv with crisp visuals. So not “up-rezzing”, but designed to display on an hdtv is a similar draw for me.

Well, still up for debate cause this article feels like it’s taking something and reaching a conclusion. Cause it may have been the artist’s original intention, that’s not being argued, but the final product and the sprites we see in this article paint a different story. The same day there was an article that seemed

I don’t know if it’s intentional but you sound agitated. I don’t want to suggest you take a break from the computer for a bit cause that’d just make agitation way worse, always does, but ya know, do what’s best, man. I wouldn’t want a fun, silly little discussion on something like this to get anyone upset or angry.

Punching someone in the side of the head would send their head to the side, not forward. It also looks like in what you’re calling the “original art” Yoshi makes a winching expression before Mario’s arm moves forward.

It sure looks like Mario’s arm goes to the right of Yoshi’s head. Also looks like there’s an error with Yoshi’s tongue, it deploys before Yoshi opens his mouth.

That was the concept, but the final product isn’t punching Yoshi.

MGSV was only a letdown in the story. It’s still an amazing gaming experience. Worth the time. MGO3 isn’t nearly as good as MGO2, though.

The heck is J.C. Staff?

heeeeeelllllllll yeah!

I dig it.

I hope she does get a good following and she pops up elsewhere. I mean, this is just based on her design, but it’s a good design. Better than any other like movie or game specific character.
Well, some of the Xenoverse characters were pretty good too.

That’s a nice gesture.

oh shoot! i didn’t know that! i’ll be able to enjoy this title after all. thanks!

i don’t know anything about magic, but what character is this? or is it just a random suit of armor? is it cosplay if it’s not based on something? would it just be a costume at that point? cause doesn’t “play” in cosplay refer to playing a role like roleplay, but in “cos”/costume?