Battlecar Compactica

I must have started paying attention around the time they were clearly either going to officially separate or just live separate lives forever. I don’t have any specific memories of the press covering their relationship as something good or even as something potentially salvageable.

I thought those two crazy kids were going to make it work.

I actually haven’t gotten through the first episode because the Charles-and-Diana stuff was so grating. It isn’t badly done—it’s such a good dramatization of a horrible marriage that I’d just as soon avoid it. I feel like I might have had a different reaction if I didn’t already know the outcome and a lot of the

I was wondering the same thing. I think what happened is that (a) as part of the crackdown, when they “release” prisoners from Narkina 5 they’re actually just sending them to other prisons; (b) the prison bureaucracy screwed up and routed a Narkina 5 prisoner back to Narkina 5.

That’s a good point. I agree that, if Martin were thinking to himself, “I just don’t care anymore,” he probably would’ve sat down and banged out a half-assed conclusion by now. When I say he’s lost interest, I guess I mean more that he’s lost his inspiration. He seems to have been inspired to write the first three

My opinion’s not particularly original, but I do truly think that he lost track of where he was going after book 3.

Leonardo DiCaprio, but they’re dubbing in Christian Slater’s voice.

But, you’ve also bested Scarlet Witch, which means you must have studied, and in studying you must have learned that man is mortal, so you would have put the poison as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.”

There are a lot of things to like about this show, but “realism” isn’t one of them. It’s basically a super-charged, extremely well-made version of Reefer Madness as far as using “we have very important things to say about America’s imperiled youth” as a pretext for wringing every last drop of entertainment out of

Yeah, I got the gist of this (“dickhead causes problems at company by being a dickhead”) from the newspapers. I don’t see what’s particularly dramatic about it, so that you’d want to make a TV show about it. But I can guess from who’s making it that the show will think that there’s something inherently interesting

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As long as they work in this important backstory about the character’s misadventures with modern technology.

I know it’s not “woke” to say this, but I don’t like Sand People, either. They’re coarse and rough and irritating, and they get everywhere.

Who keeps their heels on on the examination table at the doctor’s office?

She looks like Brian Williams.

Tonight, tonight

Tony will die hilariously in every episode.

“It’s kind of sweet, in a sticking up for your friends sort of way—even if we’re not wholly convinced that wealthy, well-connected Emmy winners necessarily need such a full-throated defense at the moment”

I’m interested to see if any of the other people in the piece, especially his co-stars, express feelings similar to Sorkin’s—that they gave a lot of quotes and the most negative ones (Kieran Culkin’s in particular) were cherry-picked in a way that doesn’t represent how they really feel. Same with the crew and the

I hope he’s reprising the role of Lyutsifer Safin.

I’m sure he could have used the headlines talking about their falling out, but he kept quiet and respected their former friendship. McKay did not. And now he is going to complain because people would rather talk about this than climate change?