Battlecar Compactica

To be fair, free sandwiches are literally the biggest threat to life in human history.

Interestingly enough Cox says something towards the start that helps make sense of why Strong views Succession as a drama despite all of the comedy in it:

So I don’t think Strong is an out-of-touch method actor for interpreting the series that way.

Some cast members wonder if Strong even knows he’s on a comedy. Kiernan Culkin told New Yorker writer Michael Schulman, “After the first season, he said something to me like, ‘I’m worried that people might think that the show is a comedy.’ And I said, ‘I think the show is a comedy.’ He thought I was kidding.”

Pleatherface is The Texas Chain Saw Ambassador

Chain Saw Massacre Origins:  Ed Gein

They made it n Bulgaria.

That’s good!

Ooh, that’s bad.

He’s the steamer that Cleveland deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

Clint Eastwood and Sidney Poitier in Old Men Can’t Land.

“As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a plumber.”

Maybe they’re saving the brain tumor and the pet parrot for the sequel?

Pretty sure it’s Francisco Franco.

But ... it was groovy.

Who’s Uncle Junior in the Star Wars story?

[We see the aftermath of a horrible car crash from above, with a man standing next to the driver’s side window of a smashed-up SUV. We slowly move in and recognize Tony Soprano as he holds his hand over Christopher Moltisanti’s nose and mouth, and watches as Christopher suffocates.]

Oh, right—Phantom Threads, that old vintage shop in Woodland Hills.

The most daring rhyme since Axl Rose paired “vasectomy” with “obituary.”

In fairness, the most compelling conflict in that movie was the one between Ray Winstone and his accent.