
I also personally really liked the episode, but its the placement in the season that makes it stick out. I have no idea why they thought it was a great idea to stick it between episode 6 and 8, it not only destroys the flow of the season, but causes annoyance in the viewer, which also skews their perception. It’s a

One of the biggest surprises for me in the last leg of the season, is how much Holden is becoming like those he is hunting. It is said that psychopath’s know how to fake emotion, how to generate empathy..he is getting lost down the rabbit hole so to speak. The way the work is having a affect on him is fascinating.

Yeah you pretty much summed up all the feelings I have about the show too. It has some good actors and sometimes, they come out with a great character (such as Jerome),but most of the time it feels like a fluke...that in between throwing stuff on the wall to see what sticks, every now and then it’s a gold coin, among

It certainly changes the entire context of his conversations with Robert Baratheon (just like you said). I’m rewatching season 1 with a friend ATM, and it adds a wonderful new layer to his argument with Robert, when they find out that Daenerys is pregnant. “you are speaking of murdering a child”, Ned being as

Actually I thought S1 of GOT was pretty great..and its even better on a rewatch, so much foreshadowing (such as Hodor’s first scene is him standing next to Bran in the first episode). Though they do throw so much lore out there in that season, and there are too many “hey do you remember when” scenes, but again, they