
Is Jessie the slumlords kid maybe? Trying to force the hand of new owner. And Fiona just royally effed up?

Ballers is HBO

Safe to say the whole Avery clan is really creepy also

She fucking said she saw the girl with just a shirt on in a hotel room. Not Laurie. This is necroed but your fucking idiocy made me dig this post up just to shut you up

I worked for the Postal Service during the 90's and whenever we got these cd boxes that were undeliverable(wrong address, wrong name etc..) we didnt send them back to Columbia or BMG. They had a standing order from the record clubs to just throw them out because it saved them return postage. We literally threw out

Sure did

The 15 year old in me can't wait for this. Hell the 45 year old in me can't wait for this. Missed ya Max!