Batman the Horse

The answer is always miata FiST.

Not really since he can decide to not stand for the national anthem if he god damned wants to. End of story.

Yes I liked it better when a woman was much more likely to be raped and murdered. đź’Ż

Did the lady in the SUV ask if you were Italian?

Sorry lady, I know your reproductive freedoms are important to you but what about the duty on light trucks?!

The “truth” about wanting people to die. Grow up, Beavis.

The stupid is you for thinking this.

“Tarted-up Datsun” is about as edgelord as trying to impress people by called the Veyron a “tarted-up VW.”

I think every actor in New York has been on L&O at least twice.

“What many people may not know is that 60 mph = 88 ft/s2"

Actually, it was the article about how you leave your cars up on blocks and think your neighbors should just deal with it that brought out your inner asshole.

Kurt Metzger is a very rapey name.

Sorry for the jumbled order. Cars n Coffee - Aliso Viejo, CA - August 6, 2016.

Haha women are such whores am I right?! Zing!

Well if you can leave your disassembled shitheap in the carport why can’t I use it to store my extra stuff instead of paying for a storage space? Neither of them are transporting anyone anytime soon.

Yea, that’s what I came to ask. “Good fight, brah!”

Also, Bristol Palin and Roger Clinton and Billy Carter, etc., were already in need of help before the spotlight.

Did you miss the part about her not hurting for opportunity? She’ll be fine. Scandal follows any public figure, legitimate or not.
