To be fair, you’ll know it’s satire when it isn’t shit probably due to it being written 5 minutes before a deadline while nursing a hangover.
To be fair, you’ll know it’s satire when it isn’t shit probably due to it being written 5 minutes before a deadline while nursing a hangover.
Very simple fact. Had Tony Stewart not killed him, Ward would still be alive. Everything else in this case is irrelevant. See, anyone can do that.
Hahaha whyyyy is every last one of these motherfuckers so stupid?!
Lol what?
The fellating of Glickenhaus continues apace.
That’s not even true on any level. A Koenigsegg or a Pagani are better cars with better company management.
I bet you low key suck, too. I low key suck. Erryone suckin’.
She is so dreamy and I just imagine all the ways she enjoys simple pleasures and being humble and she’s probably friends with FKA Twigs and has read A Moveable Feast and I think she’s just great.
I dunno. I was kidding.
Fucked up if true.
Hi, the engine is dogshit.
It seems weird that Nashville wouldn’t have a Super Speedway.
Everyone knows this already.
Yes but I was kidding.
Cool, cool I feel you. It’s sort of low-rent, to be charitable. Like the little kid that wants to show you a magic trick except it’s just some dumb bullshit or in this case a guy saying look im a fancy food man while he gesticulates wildly and then does a pretty ordinary quarter inch slice against the grain on a…
Exhaust system metal expands a great deal from cold to normal operating temperatures. There isn’t a plastic in the world that can provide the properties required and expand and contract with the metal.
Maybe it’s the unusual rainfall here in SoCal but I can’t find the live broadcast of the NHRA qualifying on FS1. Bumma’!
What are you talking about? First, special forces missions are high risk at best. Second, if you think movies about them have only glorified them for the past five years then I suggest you do a bit more research. This is status quo as fuck.