
Remember last years clown scare everywhere? This summer is going to be worse than ever.

No offense, but it's people like you, who are proudly and unflinchingly saying things like "organize abortion rallies" that has Americans disgusted, which ultimately iately has trump so popular.

Possibly, I'm not sure Stone/Parker are that into literary structure though.

Yes, the term has been redefined as the politics change, and from country to country. You are right on Thatcher and Reagan they were labeled such specifically for their economic policies. Cheers.

No, what you describe is the classic definition of liberalism. Neoliberalism is what the democratic party has become.

Please pass the tinfoil, I'd like to make a hat to protect me from the NRA bullets.

Everything is a game now. Everyone has to win, and everything is divided amongst the teams. The pope's visit for instance was the highlight of this mentality.

This episode was about as pro-gun as you can get. Neoliberals won't see past the surface deep jokes of the episode, and into the real message. All episode we were waiting for the guns to go off, yet they didn't. It's that fear and anticipation that Parker set out to isolate, and show as irrational.