Batman Lannister

The same people who would complain about Rachel Dratch playing multiple weird side characters, and those people should not be listened to!

I find it very strange that they have actors cast in parts that probably won't come to the screen until after 2020 with Javier Bardem as Frankenstein and Johnny Depp as the Invisible Man, especially if Bride of Frankenstein is next and they don't even have that part cast yet. Really putting the cart before the horse

Yeah, because Justin Bieber and Katy Perry really needed a leg up on getting famous.

I'm in my mid-twenties and whenever we're disagreeing, my dad always hits me with 'You think you're the smartest person in the room!' and here's the thing, no I don't; I argue in the pursuit of getting smarter but I'm a complete dumbass about a lot of things (but so is my mid-fifties dad, so is everyone). Now, if

I think she said that most women in the films were there to only react to what the men were doing instead of being proactive characters themselves.


Yeah, here's the thing: you, a real person in the real world, are saying that you think child murder is all right in certain circumstances, even if that circumstance is it being in a fantasy television show. I'm saying, as a real person in the real world, that I think it's abhorrent under any circumstances and I

I don't think the writers are trying to claim that it's not offensive (they have several offensive jokes about the Irish this season which I bet the critic will never mention), but rather that it's a joke and should be taken as such. This isn't Johnny Depp in The Lone Ranger, it's supposed to be ridiculous and not

You're advocating child murder but sure, I'm the wrong one.

Murdering a child is murdering a child, no matter what kinda world you live in.

Because Pirates of the Caribbean is where you're looking for the representation of how one runs an election campaign.

"Again: Not defending it,"

Maybe or maybe not, but at least Davos understood that. Matthis was a soldier who died in battle, Shireen was a little girl who naively said she wanted to help her dad.

His morality, something Stannis took seriously and Davos still does. What's a throne to a person's life?

I think Sansa's problem was that she helped to win the battle against Ramsay, but got zero credit. Even Jon told her it was true in private, and that she should be the Head of Winterfell but when the time came to put his money where his mouth was, he took the title of King and didn't even suggest to the men pleading

She doesn't know about ice monsters yet. And she's already told the Iron Born that the raping and raiding stops, I'm sure she'll do the same with the Dothraki like she's been trying to do since season one (whether she's effective at that or not is a different story and it'll only prove how inept she is, not evil). If

Are we sure Euron is an enemy of Cersei's? After losing a lot of his fleet and his plan to side with Dany, cozying up to Cersei seems his best option.

Or Stannis could have not have been an absolute asshole and offered his daughter up to the asshole witch to get burned, while his asshole wife was completely on board until it was too late. Lots of people to blame for Shireen's death, Davos wasn't one of them. He didn't know saving Gendry's life would end Shireen's

Everyone seems to still be taking lessons from The Dark Knight trilogy and learning nothing from Mad Max: Fury Road. Yes, making things that have previously been seen as silly look serious and cool can be a good idea, but colour and music and high speed, ridiculous action can also be very, very good - especially in

Who played a fallen woman character with daddy issues, and that pretty much just swooned over Johnny Depp's character the entire time, got herself nearly killed, and had to be saved by Jack Sparrow.