That particular commenter only ever shows up to cape for Depp. It's likely bought and paid for.
That particular commenter only ever shows up to cape for Depp. It's likely bought and paid for.
Yes, suuuuurely someone would say something against one of the most popular and highest earning male actors in America for 30 years. Sure.
But actually, rumors HAVE swirled around Depp since the 90s, it’s just no one cared- and surprise- on one will still believe them, even with proof right in front of everyone!
And on…
There’s guy down the street from me, has three flag poles in front of his house with a Gadsen, a Blue Lives and an American flag. He must have heard about the Kap/ Nike thing because the Star and stripes got swapped out for a Betsy Ross yesterday. Waiting for him to find his courage and throw up the confederate flag I…
They’re not even just Southern. I’m from GA, been in Michigan for about seven years now. Had a girlfriend for a minute until I met her dad at Thanksgiving dinner. He was exactly like that. IDFW her anymore.
You’re a friggin’ psycho!
“Man the 4th of July is really amazing. Sure it’s a bit of hokey, flag humping nationalism, but you really appreciate all the amazing things we enjoy as a country. (Reads Burneko’s dash post) Freedom of press was a mistake.”
There should be a short dash and a long dash
Dashes ranked.
It would be entertaining if she wasn’t talking about real world issues. Like if she was just voicing her opinion on what’s happening on the latest Real Housewives episode, I’d be fine with that, but when she’s speaking about migrant kids in cages, gun control, women’s right to choose, etc., just no, no Meghan, no.
New York has several outspoken Democrat housewives, but in general, it seems like most of the housewives either vote Republican (because money) or don’t vote at all.
Re McCain: “Sources tell The Daily Beast that she is ‘feeling like a caged animal,’ and ‘exhausted and defeated’ after two seasons on the air.”
Does the world really need another Trump supporting Housewife?
It’s cool how the corporate press propped up this Alfred E. Neuman looking motherfucker for months, until independent media actually went to his town and showed us he is basically your stereotypical yuppie suburban mayor.
I wasn’t sure for awhile, since I hadn’t really heard much about it. As soon as the first “They call me JOSEEEEEEEEEEEEE” I knew I would like it.
Five minutes in, I was laughing so hard I had to pause to catch my breath.
Is it any more than an excuse for 30 minutes of ridiculous jokes? No, but it’s a damn FUNNY 30 minutes. That should be enough, honestly.
Incorrect. This was a complete surprise out of nowhere. A+.
It turns out that the giant tuna was actually just the friends we made along the way.