Suspect in custody..CBS Pittsburgh is saying bearded male walked in and said all Jews must die and started shooting. Could be a neo-nazi, but “some of them are good people” so we should hold off condemning the entire movement.
Suspect in custody..CBS Pittsburgh is saying bearded male walked in and said all Jews must die and started shooting. Could be a neo-nazi, but “some of them are good people” so we should hold off condemning the entire movement.
Maybe not tweeting but commenting over at Fox News
So, how long before a certain group of people start tweeting that it didn’t happen or it’s a conspiracy...
Given that he’s only briefly in the first film (and a master of disguise) I wouldn’t have had any issue with him being recast and I don’t think most other people would have either.
JK Rowling now spends all her time being transphobic on twitter, associating with a wifebeater really isn’t much of a step down for her
Person, who owns a franchise and has just written the latest installment, sides with person, who the success of said installment tests on, in spite of testimony and photographic and video evidence from former employees and friends of said person.
She’s been on a whirlwind tour ever since 2007, just destroying her reputation and writing. Her asinine Harry Potter additions and retcons are easy enough to ignore most of the time, but her liking transphobic tweets, casting and supporting Depp, etc are hard to ignore.
They could’ve avoided all this if they had just let Colin Farrell play the role rather than do that ridiculous switch to Depp. At the theatre I was at, a lot of people laughed when he transformed into Johnny Depp, which I don’t think was the reaction they were going for.
Now, I’m not gonna say I’m happy that other people are beginning to see how much she kiiiiinda sucks. Buuuuuut, I’m not heartbroken over it, either.
Thanks for this. I haven’t even read his books (yet), but I’m aware that they exist. I kept scrolling through the article expecting any mention of his career as an author, but... nope! That’s really damn lazy, since roughly 10 seconds of Googling on Kareem could fix it.
“Thomas is apparently serious about Abdul-Jabbar’s new job, or is at least committed to the bit.”
He wasn’t a prick, but he was (is?) introverted and unapologetically geeky, with little tolerance for answering the same bullshit locker-room cliché questions every day. (Much of the same can be said for Marshawn Lynch, among others)
A BIG YUP from this corner too. My parents love it, so I’ve seen the odd scene here and there when I’m in my hometown (and they are odd scenes, usually.) I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT to have a different cultural touchstone about STEM PhDs because this one is trash.
As someone who has never watched this show, never will, and cheered when I heard it was going to end, this is the content I need.
I’m not surprised Batman is right-leaning.
Shouldn’t it have a cowl?
Given the number of these monstrosities that are used as wedding venues, maybe we should use plain language to describe them: concentration camps.
I was thinking maybe those were her things she had when she entered the apartment?
Now I’m really confused. They found a bag of police equipment and a police ballistic vest in his apartment? Either they’re claiming he broke into police headquarters, or suzy shooter had been there before...and left things
lol thanks for pointing that out