
Drew knows this, which is why he always writes “GUMBO GUMBO GUMBO” like he’s trying to make a bowl of it appear at his desk.

I’m happily married, thank you. 

No need, I can add on! Sex boat, Whizzinator, “kickass” offense, whipping a kid’s scrotum with a tree branch, straight cash homey, a Wario-esque owner who defrauded his partners and had to pay an $84.5 million judgment, the list continues. I fully expect Drew to be even more savage to the Vikings than any other team.

I don’t completely blame Drew given how much the Vikings have sucked for his entire adult life, but this WYTS is basically the Deadspin equivelent of:

That’s what makes it so amazing. The Saints lost on a touchdown that the opposing quarterback WASN’T EVEN TRYING TO THROW. Plenty of teams have had miserable losses after the other team makes a massive comeback effort. But literally no other team besides the Saints has lost on a play that the other team WASN’T EVEN

Yeah, he overdid it a bit.  All I can ask for (38-7) is that he keeps the same enthusiasm (38-7) for when his Vikings (38-7) come up shortly (38-7).

Literary hot take: A Confederacy of Dunces is horrible.

That’s just your opinion, man. And you know what they say about opinions:

Mock the Saints all you want, but gumbo is fucking delicious and there’s no getting around it.

And the larger issue—does this work in reverse? Will Baltimore PD give the black youths the respect they deserve before firing at them or taking them for a “rough ride” ala Freddie Gray?

Co-signed. My issue with the media isn’t the amount of coverage they give Trump, it’s that so much of the media does it in such a feckless way. Referring to Trump’s behavior as “not normal”, or his statements as “falsehoods” or “mistruths”, masks Trump as if he were some whimsical aberration, not the toxic waste fire

Isn’t that kinda worse? Seems weird to pick a nickname that has nothing to do with the character of the guy, and instead is used as shorthand that he’s black.

You’re a confusing fetishizing someone with appreciation.

You’re right, she probably has a kick ass Kindle.

I refuse to believe that Michelle Obama dogears books. 

“...Barack watched Michelle as she sat in her easy chair, reading her book. He then reached over and picked up his phone and opened up his Spotify app and, after a few seconds, the Bluetooth assisted sounds of Janet Jackson’s I Get Lonely filled the room.

I suspect these girls have had microaggressions lobbed at them before this incident but never recognized the micros as being racist.

Skin color has never mattered. It’s never been anything that I’ve focused on,” Darcy said.

Great post. No one here is saying things can’t be shitty for white people. Just put yourself in a black persons shoes. Our history is too unique to just discount the concept of white privilege. Rich, middle class or poor.

When I was younger, I genuinely believed that I had never enjoyed any of the benefits of white privilege. I was poor, with no prospects, no hope of any far-off future inheritance, working demeaning jobs, living in crappy apartments, and so on. I would get fairly indignant at any suggestion that I was somehow the