
Just from the way everybody is reacting in the know, there definitely has to be a tape somewhere with him saying it. Probably some Apprentice footage as has been hinted at for years. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if steps have already been taken or currently being taken to destroy the evidence.

Somebody either knows there are tapes or is afraid there might be. She saw Katrina Pierson get her face cracked.

Because all of them said it. She thought a lightning bolt was going to hit her.

What Rides said, about FAFSA loans! And also, outrageous use of federal funds to build luxury buildings and expensive facilities (fancy ass gyms, football stadiums, campus pools...) as well as ballooning administrative departments. I went to A&M, which is currently building a hotel and conference center in the middle

States have also cut a shitload of funding. In Wisconsin, in the 73-74 academic year, Wisconsin covered 44% of the budget for the state schools. Now it's under 17%. Where does that difference come from? Student loans. 

My husband almost lost his GI bill waiting too long.  You wait too long it goes away, even if you paid into it.

Not sure if student loans, but some bill collector who REALLY wanted to get paid called my Mom up (landline, so available info) and asked her to go tell her neighbor to pay the creditor.

This is Dickensian bullshit.

In addition to what the other poster said, part of it is the recent economy has allowed employers to be extremely selective, tacking on “college education required” for jobs that, frankly, don’t.

This proves that there is no such thing as “good debt”. Those loan agents didn’t look at what she owed and say “Oh, that’s good debt, give her another loan!”

Every time a piece of information comes out about Omarosa’s book, the first thing I think is “Still ain’t reading it.” For one, I can’t imagine she’s going to say anything I don’t already think or know (e.g. I’ve been saying he’s in cognitive decline since the campaign) and second, she was happy to buddy up to him

White House Press Secretary Sarah “Suckabee” Sanders, the public pipeline from which flows many of Trump’s lies, called Omarosa a “disgruntled former White House employee” who is “trying to profit off false attacks,” Newsweek reports.

Thing is that I’m surrounded by people in deep debt because they have to be. Not having a car or a house or even fucking getting groceries is simply not an option for most people.

There’s also the fact that student loan terms are terrible. The idea of deferring that first payment until graduation is nice, but as long as those loans are accruing interest, your finance cost grows exponentially.

Your comments is what we should be focusing on but we won’t because it’s easier to go in on Moms for not paying her loans 

Would you say the same thing if this were an 18 year old getting herself into college without her parent’s help? Sometimes people just don’t know how to navigate the system and seeing as a  university’s purpose is to educate they should be willing to educate and be very clear with their incoming students. 

I mean they called me when I went too long without paying but maybe they didn’t have her correct phone number.

She was focused on getting her education, it doesn’t take much attention to take out a loan. People forget things, like she said she wishes she’d been more organized. The fact that they weren’t even aware of what the total cost of school was with room and board says that the school wasn’t being very helpful.