
way to find something...

So apparently every time a trucrimrauthordoes a reading at this bookstore in Seattle they have plainclothes cops in the audience. Scanning the crown and taking pictures.

...and I wonder who put the requirement for continuous monetization into the development cycle?

Have you ever been in an executive board meeting? I have—admittedly, for a hospital—several times, and I can tell you that decisions of that nature always come down from the top, rather than from the line.

I don’t know how blind a gaming company has to be to not realize that even a complete shit game will bring in boodle of money simply because it is a SPLIT-SCREEN game that more than one person can play on the same TV. Add in it actually being a decent game and you’re raking in millions. Hell Nintendo has been making

That is the laugh of a kid who knows the system is fucked, knows he’s getting locked up for no reason, and knows the actual cop who committed the actual murder got off free.

I’m submitting this for a Pulitzer. I don’t know who I’m supposed to contact but, dammit, I’m going to find them and submit this piece.  

With the way these stories usually turn out, I’m sure even if CPS were able to get a hold of the parents they would have found ‘nothing wrong’ with the way the children were being treated or how they were being raised. Then the abuse would have continued or this is still how it would have ended.

Now playing

Now I would never jump to conclusions, at least not without saying ‘I would never jump to conclusions’, but that now being sure looks like those women murdered those children.

Oh it certainly would. I know I’ve said this on the root and jez but there’s definitely people on here that would be republicans if they had more money, or white supremacists, if it was more socially acceptable for them. They have no consideration for POC and feminist issues and it’s obvious they think they’re a

Now we’re at the point where the hardcore zealous UK New Left are tolerating open antisemitism and even when shown the evidence actually agree with fucking Nazis (or what’s left of them here) that the media and “Israel” are secretly behind it and that Jews are all right wing and making it up.

You seem to have a lot of insight into this man’s mind. What’s your name and address, please.

How do you even know his agenda? Has there been a trial? Are you privy to the internals of this investigation? Not being an ass; just curious? Because the only thing I have heard is his confession. It did not discuss his ideology or motivations. That will come out during the trial.

Because people of color are more often and more quickly called a terrorist, rather than a “troubled individual” “person with a lot of promise.” The latter invites sympathy, the former invites rage. The term terrorist also implies there’s an ideology motivating the attack. It seems white people are very reluctant to

Speech that incites and encourages violence is not protected. Ideals that embrace the same have no place being given equal voice and volume in our society. And, when the government cannot intercede then we must be there to speak against them. Because they only have the right to speak their mind and not be arrested by

i think i get what you are saying....

Free speech is protection from government intrusion on what you say; that’s exactly why Spencer was allowed to speak at MSU.

Advocating for genocide isn’t free speech, it is hate speech, and it is not protected by the 1st amendment

Totally not proving my point about elements of the New Left by immediately calling me a Nazi simply because I didn’t want to deal with deliberate misconstruing of my comment...