
This is nothing new, they’ve been doing this since Storyville. These periodic sweeps are an easy way for outgoing mayors to pretend they were tough on crime. I think this current sweep is about the new medical complex though, the Bertha’s Place/nightclub fires in the Treme confirmed it for me. I do find it highly

Not to just dwell on probably a pretty insignificant point but... Really? Only one of two place you were solicited? I worked at what I would call fairly nice clubs and I was solicited at all of them. There will always be ‘that guy’ who asks how much for more, etc. Not even pushy about it, just matter of fact mostly.

You know, I worked in Metairie for a little under a year. No one should ever go there.

J Crew one-piece bathing suits are AWESOME. They last a really long time too. I used to try and grab them whenever they hit the outlet.

You have a redundant paragraph midway through. FYI.

I can’t believe Trump named one kid after himself and then another kid after his fake name he used to talk to reporters. That is some next-level batshit right there. Also, what’s up Eric? Your dad proved that he would always love you less than your brothers right from day one when didn’t name you after himself some

i think it’s one of these guys....


Leak, civic duty to report this shit to the nation.. six of one, half dozen of the other.

I’m sure he said ‘good’, ‘great’, and ‘tremendous’ about 20 times in that congratulations call. What a stupid, giant baby we have sitting at that desk.

Y’know, if we all had access to bombs and bomb-making material this never would have happened because a good guy with a bomb can always stop a bad guy with a bomb.

“Wells Fargo has a proud tradition of diversity and inclusion,” Wells Fargo spokesperson Tom Unger spokesman said in a statement to The Oregonian/OregonLive. “We are committed to treating all of our customers, team members and the diverse communities we serve with the utmost dignity and respect.”

Bring ‘em out, bring ‘em out.

Uh, unless they got a gun on you. Then please don’t laugh. Some of them are both dangerous and very stupid.

I mean, wouldn’t you think you’re the pinnacle looking like this?

Or walk into a Black church and shoot 9 people.

Until they gang up on one individual and kill them.

So I’m white and THESE are the guys who are in charge of waving our supposedly superior race flag?

all listed their occupation as “white nationalist