
Thank you so much for these recs. I’m trying to take better care of my skin but also wasn’t keen on dropping a bunch of money.

Thank you so much for these recs. I’m trying to take better care of my skin but also wasn’t keen on dropping a bunch

The why was more used as a rhetorical device. I wouldn’t put it past producers to have planned the whole thing for ratings. (Beyond my assumption that they merely cajoled an asshat into going for it when he was already planning on saying it.) But she’s the first Black Bachelorette, and it’s really, really not a good

Same. My immediate reaction was that the Crave box was the obvious choice. There’s a good chance that some of those hoity-toity Tapas snacks are not very delicious. With the Crave box, however, you know exactly what you’re getting. The Crunch box doesn’t have enough food when compared to the Crave box.

I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head when I heard that statement by Dean. Like, who approved that? Why would he think that’s a good idea? Did he originally plan on saying something else and then do an audible?

Floral. It smells like roses. I think it’s way too sticky to use outside the shower.

Floral. It smells like roses. I think it’s way too sticky to use outside the shower.

It’s not that bad out here, but it’s not great. Put together a business plan for your own practice in case a job doesn’t come through right away.

Ehhh, his mouth is too small, and he looks like a dude who would have too-long, poorly maintained fingernails.

I agree. Merely couching it in terms that may make him more receptive to the message.

He can trust individuals without trusting institutions.


We can debate whether what Jackson did was or was not egregious. However, he did commit a crime. The issue is that he did not receive any punishment from the school while his female counterpart did.

Pssst, we paid reparations to Japanese-Americans.

I hear you. You probably can’t tell the story without someone internally wondering ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT KILLING YOURSELF RIGHT NOW? ARE YOU OKAY? DO YOU NEED TO TALK? WHAT DO I SAY? And it’s a shame because it’s a funny and unexpected anecdote. I would’ve never paused to consider the flavor of turpentine belches,

I am very glad you did not succeed. I am also very glad you shared that story as those belches sound truly awful. Thanks for a snort this morning.

Oh, goddammit. I even looked back through history and everything. Thanks for the heads up! ETA: Got the Monday morning slows.

Let me be super clear: trans bathroom use is important. But you are putting it on par with Roe v Wade, Apartheid, and the Emancipation Proclamation. I commend your breathless enthusiasm, but you are cheapening the message and reducing credibility by making false equivalencies. In fact, I had to look back through your

Pouring one out for your brave sacrifice.

This. She sang a song that is one of her hits and sampled a Woody Guthrie song. She also recited the pledge of allegiance and wore red, white, and blue. It was meaningless as a political statement. Fucking ridiculous to think it’s some sort of bold move.

Good. I hope he blows through all of his shitty family’s money to have the door swing shut in his face again. He has the right to appeal, and I have the right to laugh at him when it gets denied.

Point well taken. That makes a lot of sense!