She’s also like teflon! You can’t say anything to her because she’s 24 (?) and just. doesn’t. care.
She’s also like teflon! You can’t say anything to her because she’s 24 (?) and just. doesn’t. care.
I, too, like Corinne’s pizzazz. But also agreed that Alexis needs more screen time.
Way way way out of Nick’s league. When she revealed that her dad was a federal judge last night, my better half and I were like what in the holy hell is she doing on this show?!?!?! If Nick knew what was good for him (ha!) he’d shut this shit down now and walk away with Rachel.
::shrugs:: Yeah, all right. I’d take it.
Oh my god. Statistically, this is absolutely nuts. Did Baylor have a recruiting program designed to bring in rapists, was it a team building exercise, was the culture that toxic? What the fuck.
As soon as he (Herr Drumpf) tweeted this morning that Mexico might as well not show up if they’re sticking to not paying for the godforsaken wall, I knew he was going to spin that shit like it was his fucking decision. FUCK, he’s such a child.
Meanwhile, the Mexican President just canceled his trip to the White House. Awesome. Why is this shit so fucking nonstop? (rhetorical)
People are sharing “an inside report” from the other side on Facebook. Someone went to a political organization meeting and was shocked to find that the conservatives are well-organized and on-brand. Others then commented how surprising it was. No fucking shit. How do you think we got here? It’s time we fucking…
Have the 2013 pictures been taken down? I just went to the site and only 2009 is up there. And the 2009 pic is similar but I’m not convinced is the same as the one Trump had framed.
I feel you. I went out and got another package last night.
Thanks so much for that.
I’ve been through two packages in a week. They’re smaller than the regular packages buuuut still not great. This article is making me want to run out and get more.
I also definitely thought she was drunk or on something.
Horrifying but looking forward to all the student bear photoshops.
True! Realistically though, there wasn’t really a middle option. Wait and hope that Trump would commute her sentence after an amount of time passes that people deem more appropriate? Strikes me as very unlikely.
Good. In before the comments about how she did a bad thing and therefore deserves to be punished forever and ever which ignore how excessive her sentence was.
And boy, did Bruce ever let them have it!
Whoa! I would’ve thought they would’ve smoked off-camera but not on-camera because of their images. That lady doing her hair and smoking is so great.
Pardon my ignorance, but would a real housewife be caught on camera smoking a cigarette? There may be a point of divergence!