
Are you sure?


Ohhh, I watched Bachelor/Bachelorette when it was first on then drifted away for awhile and only recently began watching again. We’ve been trying to figure out at home why all the Nick hate. Off to the Googles!

I also think ABC has been incredibly savvy as of late. The bloom is off the rose, so to speak, with what, 30

I didn’t watch the Andi season, but I definitely think Nick is full of shit. But Shawn is so annoying, sooooo SHE DESERVES BOTH OF THEM. SHE’S TERRIBLE, TOO.

I remember when this happened with an episode of Alias before OnDemand was a thing/our house really had it. It’s absolutely infuriating.

Kudos on the nickname. Blurry Ryan Gosling is THE WORST.

I think you need to get the preceding comment framed and hang it proudly in your office, er, living room, or wherever you bloggers do your work.

Picture got taken down. Well . . . that was fast. Got a cached version for us?

I cringed for you. I hope adult you makes better decisions!

That was Caity Weaver. And I thought it was pretty clear that she really, really likes mozzarella sticks. Just not mozzarella sticks for hours on end.


Avion tequila and Mark Cuban trying to act in the Avion episodes*

I had always thought that the guys were intentionally assholes, and we were supposed to shake our heads at them? Maybe it’s giving the show too much credit.

Same. Watched the last couple of seasons when I heard the movie was coming out. Enjoyed every minute.

Talking to my boyfriend about this article. His story — “Let’s just say- spitting your chaw juice in a coke bottle is wildly reckless.”

Right, it comes in under #3.

Uh, yeah, I know the lady that he beat the shit out of. There is nothing appealing or attractive about this guy.

Are you my little brother? I used to get so enraged when playing against him. GET OVER HERE. over and over and over

Saw the explanation. Still dumb.

Just dropping by to mention that Center Stage is on HboGO right now. Watched it last week. It was everything.