
Should I be angry at Whedon for mansplaining or angry at The Mary Sue for not trying to smash The Patriarchy? I'm so confused.

You had me at Rocket Rachooch.

I would be very interested in the demographics of the readers of Supergirl.

American Horror Story: Student Loans

"Tradition? Fuck tradition."

That actually sounds kind of good.


I suppose my question is, can a book have what the reader considers misogyny and still be a good book to those who don't like misogyny? I ask because the author never addresses whether the book is any good outside of its misogyny. He uses the fact of misogyny as proof of the books badness, which seems to me to be a

The author could just tell people to watch Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, which I think gives a fairly fun, easy and watchable introduction to The Avengers.