
Any time you separate the sexes in competition where physicality isn't part of the equation, you're committing sexism. Basically, the reason there are separations between men and women in the Olympics (with women having lower standards) is because there would almost never be any women medalists (let alone qualifiers

You're nonstop power trip about everything needing more women is very disgusting and needs to be pulled back. You are acting like this issue is serious and truly affects reality, when it doesn't. There are woman all over the game industry and just because a girl isn't playable doesn't mean their impact on the overall

Aside from the entire strawman that apparently beleaguers both sides of that supposed argument, developers and designers don't owe it to anyone to support a specific social context or cause, and that really all that anyone can say about it.

Something something let's act as if videogames were a universal right and not a product that isn't forced upon anyone and therefore is made by a group of people that can make whatever the hell they want with their game.

Wait, wow, that sounds nothing like me, even though that's the person a lot of people are pretending wrote this article.

On the plus side I've noticed that there are a lot more female students in the game majors in my college. They are mostly in the Artist role but it's encouraging. Some of my best friends are female game artists. The industry is still mostly male and I doubt that'll change for a long time, but at least the future is

Something something I'm going to keep complaining in spite of the fact that there were plenty of games with casts consisting entirely of and/or starring women at E3 including possibly a Zelda game.

The amount of garbage that comes out of you patricia, for the love of logic..

For all the arguing, I can't understand how the "not all women have vaginas" part is up for debate. Truman Duncan is a guy who got cut in half by a train at the waist. Would you suddenly stop calling him a man? Similarly, if something like that happened to a woman, I don't think anyone reasonable would start demanding

People are just trying to give you shit. Very, very minor percentages of self-identifying females do not, in fact, have the typical gentalia setup. Basically, it's a stupid point to make themselves feel cooler and win points for being more accepting/kind/etc.

I'm a trans woman and I got interested in this game, but... I'm deeply disturbed by all these horrible comments about trans people, and I think you're partly to blame for provoking. Saying stuff like that just makes us normal trans women look bad... A lot of people will never accept the concept of trans women being

I can call myself a purple stuffed worm in flapjaw space, but that does not make it so.

It may be an unpopular view, and I may be called closed-minded (perhaps I am), but until we can actually change a person on the genetic and chromosomal level, I cannot accept a person as any gender other than what they were born as any more than I can accept this guy as a cat.

I don't think the game is trying to shame or marginalize trans women; rather, I think the target audience is women who specifically have female reproductive anatomy/biology.

We do live in a society where people actually believe and perpetuate the delusion that only those with male reproductive organs can masturbate,

You cannot redefine the word "woman" and "man" any more than you can redefine a color of the spectrum. A transgendered person is a mix of a woman and man, and deserves respect and a form of self-identification, but to call that person a "woman" or "man" — when they are in fact simultaneously both and neither — is

"Not all women have vaginas"

XD this was great.

You just became my new hero. Thank goodness there's still a few intelligent, independent thinkers on the internet that aren't just spouting whatever feel-good drivel they've been conditioned to believe.

Princesses wouldn't get stolen if they didn't wear skimpy outfits, just saying.