Batman Inaction Figure

If I could actually see anything in the 3rd act (4th act of 5, in my view) then I might like it. It could have been an amazing movie except for the Blur-o-vision that happens every time the guy with burns appears. I suspect it was studio executive interference,

Well, it seems to type and argue like a 12-year old might. And if this post is flagged by it, then it proves it has no sense of context or even partial mastery of how the English language works. Also par for the course on the Internet, I suppose.

What's yours?

I'm not saying pro or con anything. Sexism exists. Bullying exists outside schools. Neither of those are just my opinion.

Should I be scared, since it is?

I hope so. He could probably win the day and even my genuine laughter by saying, "Binders full of people's resumes" with a knowing wink right at the camera. But that would require a certain level of self-awareness.

Agreed, and they probably should have done it for that exact reason. Thor was probably the hardest sell in the MCU, at the time. All the sweater vest and khaki-wearers have to play catch up!

*Kenneth Branagh angrily tweets Spike Lee's address from 25 years ago*

It's the whole Internet's really. Do you think it's just AV Club? That's like thinking bullying only happens in schools.

You thought I was serious, right? That's funny.

You mean ruining it?

I'm truly glad that particular quote/meme has turned out to have long, slender legs and boots made for walkin' and all that dame-type stuff. The second Romney said it I had that Twitter tingle in my nether regions.

He's never won, but to be honest I don't recall any promotional materials for Thor featuring the tagline, "From the Oscar-nominated director of Henry V, comes a tale of…"

Kenneth Brannagh

Or a He-Man/She-ra crossover flick with Battle Cat.

"Whew, thank the gods it's not a dude." Now THAT's sexist.

MacLaren/Sackhoff 2018!

"Most soulless movie ever, probably!"

Add Rose Leslie as a plucky revolutionist and you've got You Know Nothing, Zero Dark T-Rex!

But can anyone control them? duh-duh-duh