Batman Inaction Figure


Wait, what the fuck? They were gonna fight? Zimmerman would have kil- Oh, now I see why they cancelled it. Carry on. Don't mind me.

Good! No one wants him in ID4-2 anyway! He'd try to bargain for a producer credit, and God knows he'd figure out some way to make it boring as hell with mock-introspection and mock-social commentary, and/or shoehorn a bit part in there for one or both of his bratty little kids. No thanks.

Without further ado, I'd like to present MY open letter to Woody Allen: "Make Sleeper 2." That is all.
"Oh, and don't touch any kids. Ever again."

Hey, don't lose faith in humanity just yet! I'm sure next week there will be some brand new low for all of us to make jokes about. The fact that my comment got so many upvotes kinda restores some of my faith.

Did-ja hear about this? Jay Leno leaving The Tonight Show?
*titters of laughter*
'Bout damn time.
*uproarious applause*
No, really.

Death threats from idiots aren't payment enough?

I'm shocked, shocked to find that people act in their own self-interest!

She obviously makes all the production decisions on the show.

Church, yo.

Just make pussy-flavored vodka already! Damn!

I watched it, then thought, "Finally a halfway-decent episode!" But just barely halfway.
Also, I can't see Peter MacNicol without hearing him say, "Vy am I drippings vith goo?" So he gets a pass for that.

Shush! They're trying to have original thoughts!


They all want a little bit of the worship that O'Neal gets. Or they're snarky as hell, too. Or both.

I'm not sure if that would be the worst thing to ever happen to Black Hole or the best thing to ever happen to Star Wars.

I love Em, but have still only bought two of his albums as gifts for other people.

Larry David all the way. With everything else you're just lying to yourself. Going the Michael Stipe route means you can only write socially-conscious songs for the rest of your life. And I just hate the Yankees.

Please let the Internet know if and when you do. Or don't.

If she's the Wesley of the team, somebody needs to get The Traveler on this show quick!