
I skipped viewing The Day After back in 1983, because I was a sensitive little college freshman, and by that time I'd seen enough made-for-TV trauma ("Roots", "Holocaust", that I knew it would have made me carry around feelings of despair for days afterward. While everyone was clustered around our dorm's color TV, I

Maybe it's just me, but I find it odd that every time someone on the show refers to Mail Robot, his name is pronounced with the emphasis on "Robot". It's almost as if they were saying "Male Robot" instead of placing the emphasis on "Mail" Robot: a robot that delivers the mail.

Was anyone else upset by the ruined chicken fingers? I know I was.
Also: Isn't it kind of pricey for round-trip train tickets for 5 people? Doesn't sound like anything they would normally do.

Ever feel like the set decorators for The Middle must have visited your house?
Sue's white bunny mug — the one she tossed pencils out of, when she felt like just holding a mug — I have that same mug. It's better for holding pencils than for drinking coffee. I also have some of Frankie's Old Navy blouses. Weird,

How can I get a job booking airline reservations from home? Surely someone out there has a friend of a sister-in-law who makes thousands each week doing that.

Funny episode! But totally implausible that any parent would forget when summer vacation ends and school starts. That date is circled in red on the calendar as a beacon of hope that sanity will be restored one day. But, maybe the Hecks don't maintain a basic fridge door calendar. And Nancy Donohue is just mean, for

Did we watch the same show on Wed night? "The Potato" episode wasn't a B-grade at all, if anything I would give it a C-. Who is the target audience here? The writers do everything they can think of, to turn off female viewers. The Frankie character is completely unrelatable to me as a middle class working mom. In

Scared to see Frankie in the season finale. What zany new dysfunction will manifest itself in her final episode? She is now completely off the rails. However, you must admit, by the end of this week's episode, she had managed to somehow keep both her job and her electricity. I'd just like to see her personal ethics

I feel like the writers had a chance to do something great with Frankie, and they kind of blew it, by making her a joke. There is an army of us working moms out here, and we just aren't well represented on the network shows. We are the ones who get up early, put on our polyester career separates, and make sure that

Okay, I've been enjoying The Middle for awhile now and have to add my two cents about why I appreciate it. As a middle-class mother of 2 teens, the show really speaks to me. But Frankie is hard to watch this season. Her self-absorption makes me cringe. I liked her in previous seasons when the writers found brilliant