Batista Thumbs Up

That block of text from that user was a long way of saying “Elon, please have your dick hit my uvula”

Elon is a big fan of deadnaming, so we’re all just following his lead! 

How do you spell Alabama backwards?

Appreciated touching on her early characterization/writing/performance. It might admittedly be unfair on my part, but her debut appearance and early run where it’s just the worst “kid sidekick” tropes all in play has always tainted the character for me and never really recovered to where I could embrace the character.

As someone who barely got across the finish line with Clone Wars, and didn’t finish/never going to finish Rebels, I admit my interest was low.

Now playing

As a Mexican, I’m excited to see this come to life, even if I’m only one of five people in the theater this weekend!

Thank you. Those last shots in TLJ are so wonderful. 

This is art

Criminals aren’t complicated, Alfred.

I would say the 2010 CG deaging on CLU actually adds to the character even more. That character SHOULD look "off".

Yeah, it was a ok two hours, but it just never REALLY felt like Nate and Sully, and it definitely misses something without an Elena, who always made herself felt despite being a second-half character in 2 & 3.

Now playing

There are a lot of problems with the movie, A LOT of problems....but I did actually enjoy the Times Square sequence where Spidey tries to talk down Electro and the closing scene with Rhino, just for feeling like Spider-Man for a few moments in an otherwise supremely bloated mess.

If Spider-Man 3 was a car crash pileup of narrative, ASM2 is like the other dozen cop cars in the Blues Brothers crash sequence joining the fray.

I’m just making do with our version of Hole in the Ring

Even in dramas, it can happen. It took Clooney a long time to shed the “bobble your head like a Metal Gear Solid 1 character model” tic that was minimally noticeable on TV and VERY noticeable on a big screen.

I saw the previous 3D release and it was the best post-conversion of the format I’ve seen, almost nearly to the point like it felt like it was always shot that way. Obviously, any reason to go see it in a theater with like minded fans who have also seen it a million times is a good reason, but it’s definitely worth

THANK YOU! There are times where I want Mexican food, and there are times I want a Cheesy Gordita Crunch and Doritos Locos Tacos.

The UN finally got him. RIP