RIP Bucky Barnes in the category of best Marvel hair. You had a good run, bud.
*hurls DVD of “Blue Crush” at you*
Tim realizing he kept forgetting to call her in between Trump donations: “OHHH NOOOOO”
At least The King of Queens had an equalizer; Carrie (Leah Remini’s character) was the loony of the two, so it was a match of big dude-sane guy, hot girl-kinda off her rocker.
“Ooh, that’s bad!”
Theyre just really thin pancakes!
In the words of Ian Malcolm, I’m fairly alarmed here!
Glennon also announced her resignation on Twitter, writing, “I’ve resigned from Kotaku and Jim Spanfeller is an herb.
I’ve gotten stuck in walls, lost all audio, and even had my DualSense’s haptic feedback killed (I literally had to buy a replacement controller)
This guy does deserve a reward
No coincidence this game fell off a cliff when Jeff was no longer doing these:
As the article outlines, they can’t decide what the focus and scale should be for single-player mode, in a game specifically designed from its very core to be an online PvP shooter with no AI elements in regards to squads and level layout. Trying to do so has in turn sabotaged the thing it’s supposed to be, so now the…
I felt like OW1's success was so high at the time, they should’ve tuned out the PvE crowd who, like you said, would play through it once and likely never again.
Once you keep an ear out for it, you can hear it
100%. If McD’s has its consistency down to a literal science, BK is wildly hit or miss depending on location.
Yeah this is par for the course by now. Buyer beware from them