He’s not so much a medical doctor than a famewhore trying to get a last puff on the attention pipe now that he can’t pretend to treat celebs for their addictions on reality shows anymore.
He’s not so much a medical doctor than a famewhore trying to get a last puff on the attention pipe now that he can’t pretend to treat celebs for their addictions on reality shows anymore.
He’ll get flashbacks to the last sex club he dropped acid at and freak out if you make him think about that shit too hard.
Fuck this autoplaying nonsense.
This garbage is for the social media inflencers, hypebeast and, other suckers.
You’re whining so much now! After you went out of your way to stir shit by throwing Michelle Obama under the bus, even though her situation and Ellen’s is, as I described, completely different.
Why should I, when your entire intent was to get a strong reaction from someone by posting that photo and making other dumb comments?
So all the execs have raped someone then, if your “proof” that Guthrie knew in advance about Lauer being a rapist, is the remote door locks, that they all apparently have?
They fought the law and the law won. They knew this was a problem and they tried. And their kid was the one who suffered.
You just expected your bag to still be under your seat?
The etiquette is to be first up out of your seat the minute the seatbelt light goes off, while yelling “Move it jerk-off!”, stepping over anyone in your way to the front of the plane to exit.
If you’re pregnant, it sounds like you got the only shot you need.
Breaking news!: AOC is NOT living off potato peelings and wearing the burlap sacks they came in! AOC verifiable FAKE!
Cue the exploding incel heads!
Sir Bob Geldof is a Potterhead??! Who knew??
“I’m not getting the amount of views or comments I need to justify my existence on the payroll, oh, whatever shall I dooooo???”
Remember when we had some respect for Dr. Drew for his insightful dealings with callers dealing with issues and decent behavior, despite his physical adjancency to Adam Corolla?
Following the pattern of TV evening soaps (and this IS a soap opera at the end of the day), in subsequent seasons, we’ll find out he had an illegitimate kid or two that Archie and fam didn’t know about, because they’ll want to juice up the drama.
That’s a dumb hot take on your part.
Why do you or others imagine that she would even want to comment negatively or in any way confirm or otherwise involve herself in a discussion about the father of her children being a rapist?