She knew about his affairs. That’s obvious.
She knew about his affairs. That’s obvious.
Clarence Thomas would like a word with you.
Thank you for that clarification.
Yeah, I believe that given her past and her family’s history around race issues. (more specifically, her brother’s history.)
I get what you’re saying but it is laughable to me to believe that the NBA is so popular that not having it available to see would lead to unrest so violent that it would threaten the established government. I don’t know what to tell you if you believe that.
“On your knees, bitch, Wills ain’t here to protect you now!”--Beatrice and Eugenie at a girl’s only lunch at Buckingham Palace
Fool, we’re not talking about Michelle.
Now I want to research this crap.
I know, right?
Fantastic. If you ever find this, let us know.
Sorry, I’m not reading all that.
I imagine she knew about it the way a lot of us, and especially those in the business, knew about Weinstein: Rumors, whispers, nothing anyone could pin down enough to really show his guilt.
Oh, give it a rest, Vladimir.
I LOVE that precedence shit.
“Let me...take care of...our son, dear.”
Oh, now you’ve done it!
You can roll your eyes all you want. People have gotten killed for less and this guy was never proclaimed to be a saint.
Okay, so she’s mad about what happened back then? It’s understandable.
Because you won’t let it go.