
Yeah, it isn't.

It's worth remembering that Steven Soderbergh blazed this trail with his little masterpiece "Bubble," released for sale on DVD and in theaters on the same day.

They're not "slightly different," they're fundamentally different. Abrams jettisoned the ideallism and heart that were central to the original series, and went with the generic trappings of any other vanilla action tent pole franchise.

Pop Will Eat Itself's "This is the Day … This is the Hour … This is This." A masterpiece that came out of nowhere, and then quickly returned.

I believe Dan may have misread that first letter. The way it reads to me, this person wants two SEPARATE relationships with a man and a woman who are not themselves mutually involved, and this may be what people are having trouble with.

Even for a bad movie, I'd appreciate a spoiler warning before you drop presumably major developments like where they're headed.

You are setting a low bar here.

Can anyone still care after the fourth season?

Can anyone comment on the transfer quality? I already own most of these movies on DVD, but this is $100 on Amazon and it may be time for an upgrade.

The reason Shawn prefers the indefinite article in the title is because "master builder" was a title for an architect in Norway who came up through apprenticing and lacked extensive formal training. Contemporary English audiences don't know that, so use of the definite article is very misleading, and implies that he's

I can hardly believe my eyes, to see you suggest that Miyazaki treats women as plot points. I can hardly think of another filmmaker who has taken so much care to create so many unforgettable female leads. It strongly suggests a forceful ignorance of his work.