
I once had a threesome with my sister. The “third” was brownie fudge sundae.

Lindsey Graham is opening investigations on Russian interference in our elections and their undermining of democracies world wide. Regardless of our past impressions of him, it might do to call his office and let him know he has public support. There are so few possible counterbalances to all this Trump fuckery, so we

My 83 year old mother knows her way around a computer. In fact, her last job was an administrator at a major hospital where she oversaw doctors and staff as they transitioned from paper files to working on a computer network. And this was back in the MS DOS days.  Her own mother was using email and writing essays on

If there wasn’t a camera there, who would believe these kids? So ugly and dispiriting.

Beg to differ. Portland was never “great in the first place.” And the technocrat hordes may be fun to single out, but the people who have made it a creative haven have almost all come from elsewhere. So the people responsible for its new vibrancy are also driving up real estate prices and clogging the freeways. It’s

It’s CALACATTA marble. What a doof.