Batfleck Forever

I saw this and the ending is so dumb that the director clearly worked backward from it to make the whole film.

Ask and you shall receive, From an interview about a production of The Importance of Being Earnest

Ah I see what you mean. I may have been subconsciously hearkening back to when Joyce Carol Oates making a big thing on Twitter about how it was wrong for Philomena to forgive her abuses and remain Catholic.

I haven't seen this film but I'm a little curious that you find "People committed to their faith despite being repeatedly failed by their institution".to be implausible or a plot hole. It's surely a fairly common reality for Catholics.

I'm not sure about Dench, but she has an amazingly bitter one with Richard E. Grant for no obvious reason.

Geez, whenever I'm in danger of taking David Thomson seriously as a critic, I remember he wrote a book length YouTube comment on an actress's attractiveness.

Hold up!

*Fingers crossed for a "Max Mon Amour" retrospective*

To be fair, a SyFy knockoff just made half a billion over the weekend so it's not the worst direction.

Way harsh on Frasier Crane, Mike Vago! I think he makes for a fine Male Role model. He is witty and urbane, and not afraid to be himself, even if that includes "unmasculine" interests like operetta or being fussy about clothes. He constantly considers the moral position on everything (often much to his disadvantage).

I'm 28 and I will admit that this is the first time I realised he is based on something. (Not American though so it wouldn't have traveled abroad)

Who do I have to ask around here to find out about Loom?

This is proof at last that Ed Wood is the superior director!

Would a Hitler by any other name smell as sweet?

Why should I trust you? Look in the mirror, you're Hitler!

I dunno why everyone is jumping down A.A. Dowd's throat over him finding the predetermined course being offputting. If he doesn't think the journey especially worthwhile, knowing the destination in advance removes any prospect of it becoming interesting (especially if the conclusion is a couple of films away and the

It's actually a not bad Northern Ireland accent (I believe she said from Antrim which makes sense). It is much thicker than usually on TV though.

History's greatest gent!

*Spoilers* Well, the book kinda does that as well…