
You just don't know DAWES like I do. You can't possibly understand.

I knew that name didn't look right.

You can never hear your own work as the casual listener hears it. It will always just be "good enough".

You know it's gonna be Bieber right?

I think Paul Rubens should play Strummer. No, seriously.

Ha! The entire city was in on it. Brothels were licensed as textile companies. At one time Seattle had the largest textile industry on the west coast. Gambling was explicitly illegal, unless you paid the fines, then it was still illegal but no one would shut you down.

I want a Wyatt Earp biopic covering his later years opening a gambling room for Seattle's all natural fiber wearing, facial hair sporting, live music listening organic food eating early hipsters. True story, bro.

Apparently this study did not take the time to review and analyze any porn or the results would have been different. Male actors can't even get their face in the entire movie. It's unfair.

I can see that. The sentence structure isn't current. So, yeah, need to watch out for that, furthermore.

Yep, When even the shrieking embarrassment that is Yoko Ono's performance art is more compelling than your band's lame set, and her antics weren't even the best performance that night, it's wise to bury the resulting footage until it can't hurt your careers. But at least some people would have enjoyed it anyhow,

Oooh! That interview is an oldie but a goody! He is a lot more grounded now but can still be King Of The Assholes without much provocation. The comparison I was thinking of was simply that either of those guys can seem to operate without a mental filter or care about what they say about who they say it. Both have the

Ha! What isn't DAWES?

I see what you did there. Funny?/ Not Funny?

She sucks except at looking hot and making great ungodly gobs of money?

After this article, having never heard Ms. Perry's musical contributions, I had to research her work, using google images. It appears she is quite talented. Quite talented indeed.


As long as she brings her breasts along with her she will do just fine thank you very much.  B.R.E.A.S.T.S.

True, it is not.

Bad, Bad, Bad, idea. What time will it be on?

As I read the above comment, I can't help but hear the voice of Sylvester The Cat voicing the words back to me! Sufferin' Succotash!