
“If the only thing I get for my work is a crappy hourly wage that I can get anywhere, then why do I care about doing more than the minimum it takes to keep from getting fired on the spot?”

“Frankly, 85% of us could stop working right now and it wouldn’t make a goddamn bit of difference in the grand scheme, so to speak.”

Oh, those weren’t *real* socialism. Please look at western europe instead - at least until socialist experiments fail there too. Then I’ll pick a new example of “real” socialism.

mmmkay. Good talk.

Well, you know what’s an incredibly poor way to change men’s minds about your issue? Opening with a horrible neologism that stereotypes their gender.

Is it okay to implicitly belittle people based on biology they have no control over? I would say no, even if that biology gives them a societal advantage. Maybe your sense of morality is different.

Didn’t say not to talk about the problem. Just don’t use words like “mansplaining” which encourage negative gender stereotypes. It’s not different than using words like “retarded” or “gay” as pejoratives.

Can we just... stop using words that have negative gender/race/ethnic stereotypes built in? Yes, men are in a priveleged position in society. Yes, lots of men talk down to women - it’s a stereotype for a reason. That doesn’t make it ok to use words like “mansplain”.

Yeah - at least then you’re helping local thieves who will put that money back into your community. With this identity theft stuff you’re probably just funding Russians and North Koreans.

The prediction is about right for the valley floor here in Utah... but elevation plays a big role, and the mountains have the best leaf viewing! The leaves in the mountains are best 2-3 weeks before this predicts. If you try to go in early October, lots of the leaves will be gone.

Even then, get a second opinion.

That math only works if you assume moviepass subscribers watch the same number of movies as the average american, and if you assume moviepass subscribers won’t increase the number of movies they see after subscribing.

Why not just hire people to dig ditches and then fill them in again? Accomplishes the same amount of work as what you’re suggesting.

Another imprecise recipe measurement that’s always bothered me is when they ask for you to let dough rise “until doubled”. Until what doubles? Volume, I would guess, but it’s really hard to estimate the volume of a sphere visually (or even harder- a mushy spheroid like the ball of dough is going to turn into). I know

If this box was a mandate from corporate, no way in hell I would trust this thing. However, if it was a thing my direct manager came up with on his own (like it seems in this story), I’d at least have some hope that it was meant as a tool for good.

I like poetry, including most of the top ones listed here, but I really dislike the most popular one - “The Red Wheelbarrow”. Strikes me as intentionally vague in order to make the reader put more thought into the poem than the poet himself bothered to. If a random highschooler had produced this poem instead of an

Advice for programmers:

Totally agree with you that private healthcare is likely better for everyone (yes, including poor people) once we get some actual competition going. Question is, how do we get there? Force hospitals to disclose prices before treatment? Ban employer-provided health insurance? Trust bust the big insurance, pharma, and

“We simply can’t bring everyone who needs help into the US.”

I see no real difference between the people who were lucky enough to be born here and the people who come here out of desperation. If anything, the second group is more deserving of assistance.