
Free market does not necessarily mean an unregulated market (though some think it does). There is pretty good evidence that free markets backed by a strong government are effective. I mean... basically every country in the world uses a regulated free market. The exceptions would be countries like China, North Korea,

I agree, it could be correct not to categorize them as Title II. The more important part to me is to figure out a way to introduce actual competition to the ISP market, which has been extremely anti-consumer for a decade and a half (how many times has an ISP been rated as the worst company in america? Every other

In my view, the role of government is to provide a space where markets can work their magic. They’re like a referee in a boxing match - you don’t want the ref *directly* involved in the fight, but you do want them involved if one side is cheating the system.

As a very strongly free market person, this is a mockery of actual free market principles. The ISP business is not a free market. In many regions of the country (including my own), it is a monopoly, or at best a duopoly.

Prior to the 80's we had over 25 tax brackets. We’ve been simplifying them down ever since, and there has never been a huge disaster attributable to reducing the brackets (though, macro economics is complicated, so maybe 2008 was secretly caused by the Bush tax cuts somehow, wouldn’t surprise me).

Planning on economic growth to make up for your shortfall is a bit like saying “Don’t worry about this credit card debt I’m racking up, honey. I just know that fancy car I bought will lead to me getting a promotion!”

Sous Vide chicken is my go to “real” meal.

Using dating apps suuuuucks. I had to force myself to send out 2-3 messages a day, and it took a long time to deal with the fact that maybe 1 in 5 would respond, and only 1 in 5 of those would lead to a date. Dealing with that much rejection is not great for the self esteem, but it does give you some thick skin after

I’m also starting weight loss. It feels really slow, but if I track my weight consistently every day, the progress I’m making becomes very obvious - in the long term, it averages out to my goal of a pound a week, which is comforting.

I’ve become highly suspicious of any social science finding which hasn’t been independently reproduced. Particularly those which have very cute or interesting results.

Lots of factors have combined to make student loans a bad deal for many students.

Are there any studies about the cause of the wage gap? I’m guessing the assumption is structural sexism, but this may not be the case. It’s important, because the cause will determine what the best approach is to tackling the gap.

I 100% agree that the government should not be for corporations. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that “free market” means “pro-business”. After all, we want more of the thing businesses hate most: competition.

I fundamentally disagree with your statement. You’re describing a top down design for the economy - government driving businesses. I think better outcomes are produced by having businesses to compete with each other, and having the government stay out of the way.

I think you’re the first person I’ve ever heard say that more regulations will increase efficiency.

Not sure why the distinction between discretionary/non-discretionary is important here.

Current progressive thinking is that a massive increase in welfare spending is what it needed to solve most of society’s problems.