
Great write-up. One character antagonist that doesn’t get much comment but I think deserves a bit is Collier. I think I felt worse for him than any other character by the end of season 3; if the government did that to my brother, it wouldn’t be hard to see myself taking the short hop off the slippery slope, and it

The episode titles also deserve mentioning. As a communications scholar (who has HCI background), it was absolutely thrilling to see episode titles match the history of computing, Human-computer-interaction as well as a surveillance society.

Whoever was in charge of the music on the show deserves an award. They found the perfect match for songs/scenes. I made a playlist of all the songs from episodes i liked.

I’m gonna miss Bear the most - he seemed to be the smartest member of Team Machine. I hope he has some projects lined up.

Well said! Totally agree.
Detective Carter was kickass.

This was the moment where I lose it and started crying

This is why I loved the wedding episode so much. Yea it was a little slow and boring, but it felt like The Machine was reminding the gang WHY they were fighting. All their initial theories on who was trying to interrupt the wedding were wrong; the threat was to the photographer. At the end of the day it was two

Amy Acker and Michael Emerson are national treasures.

One of my favorite shows ever, because of how nuanced and careful everything was put together. I like to say they suckered CBS with the “oh, it’s just a procedural... sure...” because Season 1 really could have been just any random CBS show. I’m sure CBS saw the potential for “PoI: London” or “PoI: Chicago” (something