Bastian McKeen

Damn it Kurt, I know your bestfriend is a broadway star, and your other bestfriend has a record deal and your boyfriend got handpicked over you to be famous and you got the shit beat out of you and your band broke up and your internship ended, but you shouldn't feel bad for yourself because you can get married in New

I don't know what has less consistency: Glee's writing or your grading standards lol

I don't think it's that out of character. Rachel has much been seen as someone that will do whatever it takes to be the best, the Rachel of last night is the Rachel from S1 and 2 that wasn't happy until she dominated everything. TV is yet another stepping stone for Rachel Berry in her plot to actually take over the

It was an okay episode, slightly good. I appreciate when Glee attempts to make a plot out of itself. All of them were mildly interesting, much more-so than sexual diseases. The Naya/Lea 'are they fighting or are they not' business is getting tiring - keep in mind nobody actually knows for shit what's going on between

"Pretty believable rumors?" You mean the ones from Tumblr that news outlets have just picked up? Because I forgot that was like, the pinnacle of educational veracity in this day and age.

I too thought Rachel would flop, until I remembered that Ryan Murphy actually bought the rights to the stage production of FG which Lea would(/will?) probably be starring in, in the near distant future and there's no way Ryan would kill it on Glee, even though it is television. Good episode for Rachel though. Ever

NY Glee is head and shoulders above anything in the past two seasons. Good lord, someone stop me from falling in love with this show again, I was almost out!

C+? Ouch. This episode makes me excited for what's to come! I liked the newbies and the Glee club so seeing them leave had me side-eyeing the premise of this episode but it was just so refreshing. Glee's definitely on an upswing lately.

Marley was in it in the beginning part I do believe. Only for a few seconds. As for Unique, her and Will shared that scene in End of Twerk and I think that was her basis for talking about acceptance and the like.

This episode made me mad. Not because it was terrible or anything, it was actually wonderful (admittedly since Frenemies my love for the show has increased ten-fold from what it was all last season). What makes me mad is that THIS episode showcases the writing that we could've gotten in past episodes. This is what

Don't even get me started on the writing- it's total shit. But that's what makes the show so wonderfully charming, right? :)

I think you have a point, but I don't know whose standards you're talking about that were lowered. If yours were, then that's fine but mine certainly weren't. I expected what I was used to getting and Glee delivered for the most part. I happen to like the sophomores. I like their dynamic, I like their voices, I just

I think they're referring to Finn's character when they talk about him. Finn, while not always the strongest character, always strived to be a leader for those around him. He overcame a lot since the first episode; from his blatant homophobia to getting cheated on multiple times, to losing something he worked his

"Good characters." I'm craughing. More interesting, maybe, but I don't think a good character exists on Glee if we're being honest. The faulty writing doesn't leave much room for that.

So many things wrong with this so I'll just point out a few:
1. "Many of them didn't even want to do 'The Quarterback' episode." Just no. I don't know who or where you get your information from, but TQB was written because it needed to be written and anyone who wanted a part in it got in contact with RIB. Amber, Lea

I second that A. But maybe an A-.

Absolutely touched by this episode. I'd say the writers are definitely on a role too! The last 3 back from hiatus have done so much to respark the gleek in me that I lost sometime between last and earlier this season.

Wrong or not, Kevin and Patrick have some serious chemistry together. Granted, most of it is sexual, but I really wouldn't mind seeing more of it on my screen :-)

I guess we're on two different wave lengths. I honestly thought this episode was for sure a step up from what we've been getting, especially in the plot section. Let's be honest, Glee is exhaustingly tacky when it comes to meta and breaking into song, oh well, it's Glee. But I honestly believe this plot has probably