Chum Joely

Apart from the GOAT (Goose of the Year), I’ll be doubling down on my Astral Chain playthrough (I still kinda suck, but not as much!) and maybe, just maybe, I’ll treat myself to Void Bastards, which is finally on sale on Steam


What are you playing this weekend?

Only tangentially rated, but here’s something awful:

There’s DLC for West of Loathing?? Please tell me it is available for Switch! Maybe my favorite game I’ve played in the last couple years

I have no more thoughtful response to this than to note that Reckonin’ At Gun Manor is extremely good (even if the final solution to the super-obscure bonus puzzle was bulllllllllshit)

Take my hat awaaaaaaay...

Now playing


Nobody is remotely likeable? Not even Weird Ed? For shame.

As far as I know, you can’t watch the clips reassembled together in whole conversations. But that’s totally okay because the whole sequence isn’t the point of the interactivity here. You’re using a parser to connect to specific words and statements utilized in any given exchange.

After getting inspired watching Dan Jones (PlayFrame, former host/creator of Extra Credits) play Hollow Knight, I decided it was time to dive back in and give it another try. Since it’s been awhile, I decided to start a fresh playthrough. So far, I’ve been surprised by how smoothly it’s gone—Hornet still took a lot of

No one has ever accused Jill Sobule of sexual harassment.

This is a total non sequitur. “Women should be able to get drunk and not get sexually assaulted” does not imply “women should be able to get drunk and sexually assault people”.

She used to resemble Zooey Deschanel.

I disagree that one must become innately less adventurous. I pay less attention to new music, for example, but tons of attention to old music (far older than what I was listening to in my 20s, or whatever). Who says things have to be new in order to be “new”? Digging through the shelves at record stores was what I

Man, Super Mario Odyssey is such a fantastic game. The capture mechanic is fantastic, as you say, and the game feels just so... polished, and simply good to play... I was hoping we would get extra DLC or something to expand on the capture idea. I racked up like 300 moons before moving on to Zelda, and I’m planning on

I finished Judgment. It took me 55 hours!