
As I understand(read:don't pay attention if it's not XGames) these are the shoes Dwayne Wade will rock. He apparently signed with adidas and gets this or a variant of these. He thanked Converse for the chance to have a pro model shoe. I'm sure he also thanked them for the money.

Respond to article, troll. Your content is irrelevant

"Contact information for this author is not available."

Using TelNet to play a text only RPG. I remember tying @nupers a lot. I don't recall the name of the game. All the physics students got a computer to take home and 'study' with. It comprised of a full qwerty keyboard, a phone, and a 5" screen. Oh the sound of dial up on the teen line

That is pretty cool for BSA to endorse tech concepts, though they should maybe have a badge for Embroidery and make a new design for this one. Redesigns almost never work like they should.

let's see. As many folks have pointed out, a true beverage connoisseur and pot smoker/cigarette smoker will have a lighter, a countertop, a keychain, teeth, a firm grip (twist off), Reef sandals, etc... to be able to open a bottle with. While this seems neat and if given one, I would rock it, I would never buy one

Most eveyrbody is tech savvy these days. It is prolly just a congressman who is doing the Chandra Levy thing like Gary Condit did. I like Cragslist, but I get my hookers from facebook

@rebeldevil: I was thinking the same thing. $53.50 a month per phone right now. Still waiting for my 'shrinkage' to kick in. You can even now get one of two android phones. I want the one with chirp, but it is like $300 in store only. Maybe i don't need chirp that bad. the other phone is only $179. boost has far

"Okay, honey... Let's put the 62" 3DHdtv right here in the dining room. C'mooon, Nobody will be the wiser."

relatively inexpensive and sturdy. The sheath is polymer and has a number of ways of attachment. You can wrap paracord around it too. Model 78 or 81 is 6.5 inch blade. I have the black solid blade, but should but the tan serrated one

@AllanJH: Ka-Bars are great, but I prefer the Glock only for the bottle opener part. Less killing, more spilling

I didn't see the bar where one might find a prototype iPhone and get dis invited from all future Apple events.

@James: MG? I have seen that the effects of the Magnum ramen make them all swoon

stereotypically, no guy is ever going to read that. Now they will use their Navvie App on their smartphone of choice.

So I guess my 2nd gen shuffle just gets to be clipped on all cluttered like then. I can't think of any reason ,other than aesthetics, that one would need to have access to ALL your idevices. It does look nice.

@Zinger314: White charge base. red Charge & Play which is only for a 'just in case' scenario and my matte black elite controller. White chatpad. At least the college team colors are red, black, and white. Still this is a viable option. BTW, the noise is getting busier.

The price is worth the batteries alone. the USB port is most likey intended to charge your wireless headset which is cool because then it isn't just hanging out of your 360. thanks, Jason, I may have to go to the store now.

Now that map makes sense. thank you. At least they can say they don't contribute much light pollution.

yeah. I understand that. People starve all over the world, so I am not surprised though. I do not see what the map conti put up represents, but I think it is or all the awesome places to go when you get there. I am sure this video wasn't the only one that was 'smuggled' out of country. Pics or it didn't happen

A 40 minute haircut? flower usage like hippies? Where do I sign up to go there? Serenades on a public transit system? I am sure I don't want to live there, but It sure looks nice. keeping in mind, as an American I only know what I have been told to know (the last guy in charge said this place was really bad. He also