@Denver is too damn high: denver!!! come back to tha Noise! we need you and your thoughts
@Denver is too damn high: denver!!! come back to tha Noise! we need you and your thoughts
I was hoping to see Zune, but can see why they were left out. I got a ZunePass last week and am pretty damn stoked about it. From my 360, lappie, desktop, or ZuneHD I can hear anything I want. I can keep (legally) 10 songs per month and stream endlessly. I haven't watched t.v. since I got my pass.
@stifflittlefinger: Pretty much exactly what is said at :41
If you look at my post you will see that I forgot the " " marks around another post that I felt was trollish. I did not reply to that post due to not wanting to promote it. My bad. check the context of the rest of my post and see that we are both right. You are arguing yourself like it is inception
I like to use my card for small transactions anyways. I know ther is a $.35 or higher fee to the retailer so I use cash and put the small amount on card. Kinda my eff you to the whole system. Next time you get a redbull, use your card. A lot of places have a minimum transaction to use cards. I use cash there. oh yeah,
This 'con' will never interest me. I, to start, cannot hear anything out of my left ear. no amplifier will change that. No aid will gain response to that side of my audio receptors. I have a 5.1 receiver and got rid of the surround part. I just wanted the Sub and now I use Bose 301 series II from a 440 craigslist…
@tylerbrainerd: it has a workaround for now
FBI canted or down the front of pants for holstering. I am going to bet that if a firefight played out; one might forget to use both trigger fingers. That would constitute a fail
@tylerbrainerd: don't promote the trolls. You know this from the noise. Come back.
If this goes through; it is my favorite and the start of my theme. hurt like hell
Yeah, I know. My guy has had conversations with others whilst inking me. I want the focus on the work I am paying for. I was like 'GTFO', but don't want to piss off my artist because he could do whatever as I just lay there. A machine would not get distracted or ever put a random penis in the work, I usually just jam…
@Bastard 420: Like this one.
I thought shemeghs(?) were for the neck. I may have to get some for use as a Bret Michael's styled bandana
The precision lines would be welcome as long as the machine can judge size and density of the subject. Who doesn't tense up when they get stabbed? Can it account for stretch and natural body position? I will never get a religious tatt, but I would throw caution to the wind and let it give me one. If it sucked, I could…
@ProgenDev: Time warp. Check the date of the post; 23Feb11. It's an issue we have become accustomed to
Nice. My Mom-in-law always insists on the yellow ties on her wonder bread. that is when I go shopping on Bunday for her. I always thought she was a little batshit in the head, but since Giz explains; it must be the truth
Video fail on IE9 RC. Only if I scroll up and down, can I see it. Who to blame? Gawkers' new layout and tweaks or M$? I wish I could tell; the audio makes me wonder