
If I facebooked, Sam; Totally friended. I love the retort about how Del Monte is only an affiliate of Del Monte which is wholly owned by Del Monte and no way represents the Del Monte that represents Del Monte who produces items for Del Monte and if I noticed the subtle yet sweet label changes I would have know.

@Squirt-Reynolds: gotta grow and flower. How else are you gonna make ends meet.

Beef. Is that you. I can't tell with the new looks. #redesign

@spline9: I so want to play, but it gets dirty real quick. cannot feed the trolls

@Geoff Schweigert: It is actually Homer's date of birth and not Bart's. Not trying to flame , but I recall that I thought it was awesome the an Earth day fell on 4/20 and so many things to celebrate and forget about ten minutes later whilst eating snack food items. I apologize that I can't cite the episode exactly.

petitions usually work much better at gathering support than partitions, seeing as how they separate things and all.

agreed. I knew I would have to do it, so I pre ordered the pro version. Installed on my Presario and upped the RAM. Like a boss, now. All the lappies run on Win7 and my wife used the last of 3 user code for office 07 (school comp issues) and I scored a full code for office 2010. All is integrated and fairly cheap

Awesome. You could use cast iron on park benches and melt slogans from the spandex

@dgkz0idberg: Aw geez... I don't really care enough to look past the first page and it only goes back two days. Was it random or the avatar that looks just inverted from Sina's. Dude has so many alts that I can't be sure. I hope you can see my sn is not Mr Nice Guy, so I just don't care

@PinballFan: Death row? What a brother know?

Are you saying that when I call somebody a 'facebook whore', I might actually be outing their profession? whooops..

Definitely need this. It will help round out my Windows fanboy collection. I hope I can tweak it for use with Zune. I wouldn't mind if it has bluetooth (can't watch video at work). I am highly likely to get it in June. It shall be glorious, muahhahah.

@Ding-Dang: If it was blue and in the '90s, then I know this girl who it might belong to. She used to work on the East coast in a House

@x0d: you probably never heard of it. ;)

+1 for that. I am lolling around, naked and baked. I know I am going to get something similar this weekend. I would love to point them to, but I know better than that to give them answers. I will just suck it up and be coy about it

Looks like Woz may have a reception issue. I thought, from the headline, that tis was an actual White iP4. I find out that it is a replacement part install to give the 'official' look of the White iP4. We all know that when the REAL whit version comes out it will have 128GB of storage, come preloaded with all the cool

I recall the 660. flapping the pic in the wind, then holding it closer to your body to absorb heat. I also used to heat my NES games up a bit. I had this trick..... Firtst I would put my shirt over it so it wouldn't get cheetos crumbs in it; then I would,........... wait for it............, try it again.