
Z for zombies is great! I started to collect the DVD's and stopped after season 6 financial discourse. I will, however, collect all 22 season of Treehouse if they released just those episodes. the Shining one get referenced to in my home at least weekly.

Ooooh. Please no. I hope the talks are in grown up words so he is confused and asks for his latte. Please don't ruin this Zac. I shall plead for you to get yet another musical role and abort this idea

Initially I would have thought this to be a mixture of themes, but originally had this guy in mind. (pun intended)

go Big Red!!

@Decad3nce: We all know the cops are dicks near East Campus. I got popped the first day on Vine. I walked to downtown and cabbed it home. The fun part was the planning of inebreation

I have many toys to use for these times, but prefer my Boogie with a one hitter bowl. Always a green hit and usually takes about 3 hits to clear it. I also use a dugout/bat. I have a teak one for dank, and a shitty one for Reggies.

@jzone3: If you slide them to the right they usually open pretty darn quick. It is when they open by sliding upwards that they tend to be slower due to the screen that was installed in the casement.

@Diomidis: barely boobed and a manly chin. that;s thick. I don't mean to say 'big boned' because dinosaurs were big boned; fit is similar to Olivia Munn(because I know you watch her)

@sleepneed: If you want colored tech, then visit [] I like my Graphite almost black because it matches. I wish My TV had a decent hue, but did not opt for the ToC from Samsung because it would draw attention to it not matching. I am all for a unified color like I am all for a universal charging

Why does everybody get all worked up because they can't have a double rainbows' worth of color choices. White is antiquated now, black has and should always be the main choice. does anybody remember that 'cool' silver flat tube TV? Or the matching DVD player? I spent extra $ on my 'Elite' 360 because it is matte

@helpMeeeeee: Chrome Painted boxes. screen door mesh for mouth and eyes to be hidden. the 'spigot' is actually my Dongle. It was just dangling in the air until somebody yanked it away from me. It was slightly crude. Jeans, no; Spray paintd dickies shorts, yes. They were soaked to the point I was leaving paint

Name Withheld put the most effort and looks the best. A box robot should be made of boxes. Terminator Leia does NOT count as a robot. Kind of a thick woman with a manly face. Not my taste. If the winner would have gone full Terminator, then maybe yes a win. Steampunk robot is even 'sexier'. Hell; Even I am sexier as a

@*Grey*Bastard 420: replying to you is like slapping poop; it just splatters shit all over the place. Do not think that my lack of retort is conceding, I just want to avoid a flame war with idiots. Do some research and note the impact beef production has on the air quality, etc.. I alos see why many of you have little

Jesus, you should reevaluate your use of Comic Sans and obvious lack of understanding. Stick to writing about what you know like swooning over the next 'magical' item from Apple. Your articles usually include a lot of sensationalism, but this one is complete ignorance. Veganism is the best way to help the environment.

I am going to get some popcorn...

I was expecting dark and gothic. I got sunshine. It hurts my eyes. I also thought Wayne Manor was the township this was in. I have never felt the need to lurk on GoogleMaps, but I think I might start now and see what I can find. My favorite thing was a guy dressed as Waldo.

Picked up the Lift off energy drink. Glad to see it is from HerbaLife. I know they are a decent company with a good outlook toward getting healthy. anyways it was free. I just got my FREE Advil coupon I logged in for last week. Neato! I hate the 'friend on Facebook' deals as I am not in the 'Book

Kinda makes me want to see a thousand handpainted baseball bats on the other side of this exhibit. Still pretty cool, but I would probably bring a few unpainted ones to throw off the mix